Do you think armed people are better disciplined than the civilians?
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Yes yes.....thet are trained so they must be....
Yes, I do believe this fact that the armed people are more disciplined than the civilians as disciplined is a part and parcel of their lives....
ya army people live their life in discipline their life is such that fixed rather than other civilians
Armed forces personnel are more disciplined because of service rules and training. There is less rigidity of discipline in civil. That is the cause of more discipline in Armed forces personnel.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

armed people are better than the civilization they got all the facilities.
Yes armed people are more disciplined than the civilians it`s because of their living condition and professional trainings...
yes, armed people are the gentel men, very disciplined
Without it how can a professional army do justice to its job!
yes armed people have to follow some rules initially but these rules become their part of life when they used to follow it daily and they become habitual for it.
They have to be disciplined to discharge their professional duties and that's why they are a lot more discilined than their civilian counterparts!
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