on what basis intelligence is measured?
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How quick and error free you respond.Faster you reach the conclusion with accuracy,the more intelligent you would be considered.
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It all depends on the intelligence of th person who is measuring it!
Psychologists measure intelligence by a technique called Intelligence quotient. This is measured by Mental age/ chronological age. This is a technical matter.

Normally, we may just say whether some one is dull, intelligent or very intelligent but cannot give exact measure.

I also agree with Chinmoy that measurement also depends on intelligence of evaluating person. An idiot cannot measure intelligence of an intelligent person.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Intelligence is measured by the capability of a person to face the circumstances .
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Who is going to determine that!
the way yo think on any issue shows your intellegenece

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The intelligence is measured by the way you respond,the time taken and accuracy of response.
Intelligence is measured by the aptness of one to solve a problem or a query. The level of intelligence differs from person to person....
Psychologist measure intelligence with few tests,
and any person can guess the intelligence by how quick a person answers a tricky question


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