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Do you think Net Banking is Safe?
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Perhaps not the right person to pass any judgement about it since I had never done net banking before...
If your PC is protected with proper Antivirus/firewall then it is safe to an extent depending upon your awareness, but their are things you should know for the safe browsing. It is valid for all the things you do on the net. Google "Safe browsing tips". This would be good for you to know about it, not just for netbanking but other things as well.
Avoid net-banking from public cafes/computers.
Net banking is as safe and as dangerous as users make it! We must follow the 'dos' and 'don'ts' carefully to safeguard our interests!
Yes net banking is safe unless you follow the rules of the bank.....
according to my opinion netbanking is not al safe for us.
no net banking is not safer as comapare to the real banking.
Net banking is not safe at all. But if you get a situation to do net banking then never do transaction online in any internet centres. there may be a possibility of hacking your bank details and robing your money

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Manas, I just replied to a similar thread also raised by you and now I realize you raised it at the same time! I am locking this thread now and expect that this is not repeated!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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