What do you do to get rid of mosquitoes?
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kill them
To get rid of mosquitos, using mosquito repellents can help out


I use odomos and run fan.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are many ways but the best one is mosquito net.. Others are coils, liquidator and fan.. Personally i use fan and liquidator.....
Using mosquitoes machines such as Goodnight,Mortein etc can really help.
Keeping the surroundings clean and free of any clutter and waterlogged areas will ensure that the mosquitoes do not breed in the first place.

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- W. C. Fields :)

There are 2 methods.
1. Natural method
2. Un natural method

1.Natural method

Burn neam leaves and let the smoke of it spread whole home. then mosquitoes will move away or get killed and this smell is good for health. there will be no harm in inhaling this smoke.

2.Unnatural Method
Using things like Mosquito mates and All out liquids. but the smell which comes out is very pungent and harmful to health.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There are many products available in the market to get rid of mosquitoes like mosquito repellents coils,liquids etc.but they also have bad effects like smoke etc. which is bad for health.The best thing to use to keep away the mosquitoes is mosquito net.Of course keeping our surroundings clean will not let the mosquitoes breed in the first place.
I use good night mosquito repellar and if its not in control,I use repellant cream.
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