Do you think almond (badam) can help in sharping children memory?
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Old Myth......nothing special happens by eating almond ....
I dont think it will improve memory power but it is very good for hair and has essential elements to supplement one days food.
I think almond oil is good for children but baby jhonson oil is better than almond for children.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think almond oil is good for children but baby jhonson oil is better than almond for children.

Baby Johnson oil is for very small babies. This is for massage to give them physical strength. This is not for memory. Almond is okay for a little older school going children. This is for improving memory and mental strength.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The almond contains phenylalanine which issaid to increase the memory power.
Yes it has the ability to enhance memory of children. Almond oil is also used for the treatment of dandruff…
Yes it can help in sharping children memory, you have to soak in water overnight and then remove the skin and consume in the mornings, it good for over all health

Yes, I agree with Fathima and I too think that almonds not only helps in sharpening children memory but it has overall benefit aspects for children....
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