Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet???
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Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet???

Can you explain what do you mean?

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There are enough number of child predators in India who do ghastly things with children outside internet and they deserve strictest of punishments!
It is sad to see child predators. Police should try to arrest them with best information every source and give them punishment for the same.
@ Ajay

Can you explain what is ment by child predators on internet?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Dear Ajay, child predators are those who are involved in child sexual exploitation.Pls go through the link for more details.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
i think you are asking about the children being sucked by others on internet and their parents don't know about that.
I am not understanding what does it mean.As per mukesh 's meaning It is worst humanity.
I think most of the parents are clueless, child predators should be punished severely

yes,really.Many children have gone wrong due to the child predators.
parents are now more aware about their child's activities on internet so that they can prevent them from harassment
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