Apart from the leaves that exists do you think that men should get paternity leave from work? Express your views....
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I do see a lot of merit in granting such leave as the father too has his duties and responsibilities at the critical days of childbirths!
A father has also to undertake a lot of work when a child is born. He has to devote time and efforts in caring for mother and child both. So, paternity leave is definitely needed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Paternity leave is always good for looking after the mother and child and also their necessity in the need of the hour.
Yes, men also have something to do during this time.So they should get leave.

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The case in favor of granting such leave gets stronger with the kind of modern family structure. The breakdown of joint-family necessitates this.
In the new pay fixation order recently came to force in Kerala paternity leave is allowed.

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It must be made mandatory Mr. Ajay as I myself was away from my son during his birth since I was posted to Himachal Pradesh and joined a new organisation at that point of time. Yes, the length of time should be different.

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Yes,surelybecause men too have thier part of work during the time of child birth.
Mother have to get psychological relief during birth of a child.For this none other than her husband is good.

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