to post any article, topic i need to copy the content and try for atleast 10 times in pasting it and sending.even if i play games my score some times gets submitted some times it wont. why is this happening. for sending any thing here i am spending atlest 1 hour. why? i tried to send complain always a fresh page comes and what i wrote it gets lost.i need help to solve this problem an also to know whether all of you face such problem or only me here has this problem
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Some times I also face similar problem. This is caused by slow speed of net or computer problem. So you need contact your internet service provider and computer service peson if the problem continues.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

may coz of computer. other sites i dont have such problem then why here
In rear cases we face such problem in boddunan. It is always better to contact the administrator of boddunan before trying hard to do the same. Boddunan Administrator may assist or help you in solving the problem easily.
I hadn't faced such problem in near days.So I don't understand the problem.

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I also hadn't faced This type of problem in near days.So I don't understand the problem.
you should check internet speed of your system only then this problem can be remove away.
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