What are the reasons that Ahinsha is more powerful than Hinsha?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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Ahnisa or non violence is effective as more people can participate. Viloent struggle scares many and so there is less peoples' participation. Mahatama Gandhi's struggle was not only non violent. This was also non cooperative civil disobedience movement. Non cooperation by people crippled British administration.

Secondly, success of Ahminsa also depends on the party fought against. Mahatama Gandhi cleverly availed advantage of the British law. The law allowed the British government to prosecute the offenderswhoindulged in violenceand non violent activities.As Mahatama Gandhi was non violent and he alwaus got permission from authorities for organizing meetings and rallies, the Government was helpless in view of legal provisions.

Mahatama Gandhi not only used British legal provisions to his advantage. He also emotionally blackmailed the British by pretending to follow Bible and Christianity. The idea of forgiveness and non violece were taken from Christianity. If a person slaps you, offer the other cheek- is in Bible.

The British were responsive to reason and law abiding persons like Gandhi. However, such type of struggle could neverhave succeeded against Nadir shah, Mohammad Gaurii, Mohammad Gahnavi etc. While appreciating Gandhi's non violence, we have also to appreciate Brtish response.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You should try as much as possible that the matter is solved without hinsa. I don't agree that ahinsa is better than hinsa. If we take example of our country freedom,it took so many years in getting freedom,just because of ahinsa. I don't saxm that always prefer hinsa,but, in some situation ahinsa is better.

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I think Ahinsha is right way to resolve the problem but Could India get freedom only using ahinsha.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Santhosh please edit as "Ahimsa" and "himsa".Himsa means annoying.So everyone hate it.

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Santhosh please edit as "Ahimsa" and "himsa".Himsa means annoying.So everyone hate it.

Non vilolence and violence are translated as 'ahinsa' and 'hinsa' in Hindi or some other languages. These are similarlypronoinced. although the spelling 'Ahimsa' and 'Himsa' is also used in English, this does not reflect actual pronunciation. 'Hinsa' means violence and not mere annoying.

As regards every one hating violence, the fact is that people employ double standard. Voilence against others is justified but against oneself is bad and unjust.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Agree to gulshan ji. Like you comments .

Want to make each day Accountable

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
We often speak that words are more powerful than action and guess why do we say so.....Similarly, ahimsa is more powerful than himsa.....Wounds caused by nasty blows are healed but wounds caused by tactics have a deep scar and even considered more effective...
Ahinsa is more powerful than Hinsha because it will teach you tolerance and love for fellow beings. In Hinsha we don't find the same and develops hatred among members.
I think freedom of India is the best example of Powerful of Ahinsha but Hinsha was also part of freedom

Santosh Kumar Singh



Hinsa allows opponent to act vigorously or lay hands on you since you did the same while ahinsa is an act done peacefully along with expressing your anger and discontent to your opponent.Since you express yourself politely yet strongly against them,they have no option but to react softly and to accept your proposal.

It can't be forgotten that the same policy had been the base of our victory over the Britishers.

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