These day there are many incidents of mutul fighting, robbery and theft involving murder and other violent act. It appears that total ban on manufacture and possession of weapons like pistols,revolvers and guns and possession by citizens will help us in controlling violence. The armed forces alone should be allowed to keep weapons. Thus very possession of weapons, sale thereof and stocking will be unlawful. The users may kindly consider and offer views.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes.Its always better to restrict the use of fire arms.Now a days guns like revolver are made by blacksmith and easily available to anyone...

But why do you think a total ban is good.i think the present laws are enough.When we consider the laws in countries like america, our system keeps much more restriction in possession of firearms.So what is your exact recommendation on changing the gun laws?
In U.S.A., any one can own and use weapons. he crime conditions in U.S.A. are also not good and not ideal. My suggestion is that only army, police and other para military forces should be allowed weapons for official use only. All others should not be allowed any weapons. The very possession of weapons, distribution and manufacture of weapons for private purposes will be offence.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anyone can get rifle, nowadays, it easy and its also INDIA!!!
Yes. Presently anybody may own and possess fire arms on license or otherwise. My suggestion is that there should be no license issued at all. The manufacture, sale, possession and use of the weapons by individuals, other than defence/ police persons acting on official duty, should be banned. I think this step will effectively curb crimes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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