Is it better to buy something online or to go to a shop personally and buy? Why?
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I never bought anything online. It is more convenient to buy personally in the neighborhood.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think its better to buy personally as it is safe. In online shopping we face many problems.
I think it is always better to go shopping mall personally..Because in online we have to face many problems like product quality may differ, Reliability of seller, Transport problem......
Buying online is always not a good way as you may not feel or see the product until it reaches some risk is associated with it.
online things are also better. no issue at all.
It depends up on the thing which you want to purchase. There will some things which we no need to check and all. such things can be purchased online. If the things which are to be checked personally then you should purchases personally. Got it

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Buying in the shop mall is better than online.When buying on online there is alot of difference than outside it is loss of money

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I prefer to buy personally to the shop. Buying online will be in loss,because there you have to pay extra as the form of tax when you use credit card.

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It is always good to take out some time specially on weekends and go to shopping with the family. It changes the mood as well as reduces the stress level along with getting quality time to spend with the family.

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it is better to go to shop personally and buy the things which you want

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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