I noticed that, Single parent child's behavior is little different than other children.
Are you agree that?

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Dear Vashnavi

What you want to say could you describe your question with example so we can get the things.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I agree. whenever there is deviation from the normal environment, ssome chanege in behavior is expected. Single parent child must be missing something and so behavior is affected.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, i agree. They usually seem to be more depressed than others.
Yes, feelings like abandonment, sadness and loneliness may result in developing a deep anger and frustration level and might even result in developing a violent behavior among them...
hhhhmmmm child wants both mother and father's love. he /she feels bad and down when looks at other's parents.

I do agree tha single child behaviour differs slightly than others because of special attention given by some of the parents in case of single child. He generally tries not to share his things with others.
I think family is incomplete with both the parents and child usually look for that and may feel sad or depressed.
I myself is an good example of this question. It really differs,but still there are many parents that are different and they don't look many any differences in their children.

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Single parent means either father or mother present? If so it will be due to the lack of love from one side.

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