Members i need to know how to make my blog famous( like most visited), cause i'm totally new to blogging, all your suggestions and ideas are thanked in advance
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Hi friend, I am not an expert in blogs, but I will give some basic ideas which I knew and I hope other members will also help you.

1) Make sure that you post original content, because you can apply Google adsense after 6 months and this will make the approval easy.

2) So in the mean time you can make use of other ads like





3) Most important thing is that you should make your blog popular and the best way to do is that, whenever you update any article, just copy the link of the post and mail to your friends and also yahoo groups. make use of facebook, orkut.You can also use sites like,, blogcatalog to share your blog info with many members there.

Hope you got some idea and you will get information and guidance from other members also.

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
1.Get enough points and advertise your blog in boddunan!! :)

2.Use good keywords.If you use keywords which have very high hits, naturally your blog wont be listed in the top in search engine.Select a medium hit keywords.
Anyways the basic need is good content.if your blog has good content, it will naturally become popular..i think :)
This is what i can share...there are many members in boddunan who are experts in teaching how to utilize search engine and other ways to popularise your blog...They will answer more :)
Listing your blogs in a good agregator will surely attract many readers.In English I don't know such aggregators.

Visit my blogs:
woowee, so cool and thank you guys.. and hey raaghav, you were saying about original content, what is that? i mean i've posted two posts which contains books, books which are not free, books which are to be bought from the respective website, but i gave a link where to download such books, is that legal or illegal?
Hi Raj,

If it is e books, then I believe there is no problem. I thought it would have been some articles and that too there are mixed views about the originality of content for applying Google ad sense, because some say Google might just see the traffic rather than content, while others believe the article we write in our blog must be original.

Since I haven't got approval( yet to complete 6 months) I am not 100 percent sure about this. I hope members who got Google ad sense will guide you in this issue.

Apart from that I think no problem when it comes to e books, unless there is any copyright issue.But if you are writing any article , then make sure the content is original, to be on the safer side.

Have a nice day friend.

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
Dear Rajkumar first try to know what is a blog?
Why people read other's blog?
It is the web place where people write there information , knowledge,opinion and give comments.
so as you have planned to write blogs then write /post the information in which you are expert may be about movie review,sports review,etc.
Then try to add some pictures and main important thing is give some good key words so that when some one search that key words in Google search engine they will directed to your blog.

Now you want traffic so please update it regularly and try to post current news and information after that think about advertisers
Hello Rajkumar,

Bloging is very easy and you can create an excellent blog with some easy steps. you can read this article for more such tips..

Bye bye...
hey thanks raaghav and js, and hey soubhagya, i created a blog to share something, i mean i've given links of books(full version books) that cannot be downloaded freely in any website, but i've made it free. so my classmates and i can share it through my blog whenever.
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