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Yes I wonder why in this world some people are rich and some are poor. I also wonder why some people cheat other people. Why there is so much inequality??? Why people die??? Why we love some one and hate others for no reason....This things goes on in my mind from time on and some times I get puzzled myself in finding answers to this...
I wonder when I find some thing unexpected.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes I had wondered many times.When I see some monuments I wonder by thinking its building in that days.

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yes... ..i wondered many times..the best one is when is in mind and it makes me smile...
One should wonder when he tastes or witness a thing that surprise him.Else he hadn't tasted or enjoyed its beauty.

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yes, I have wondered many times. Wondered about the developments in telecom. how it would have started..
I have wondered many things in my life like the creation of the world,at many creative things,where our soul goes after death? etc
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