Let's play a game today!!!

The rule of the game is as such given below...

I will ask a question and the next person posting has to answer the question and then post the next question...

I am starting first:

Do you consider yourself successful?
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Yes. I am successful as I complete every task I undertake.

Mow my question: Is your married life good?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,fine.Well going.

My question:
Give a tip to be successful in life?

My Question:

Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend in your life???
Yes,fine.Well going.

My question:
Give a tip to be successful in life?

understand yourself and your potential, choose career and spouse according to your true nature and instincts and be active. Success does not meaning achieving more than others. This means that you achieved what you aimed at.

Now the question:

Are you satisfied with your family?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


My Question:

Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend in your life???

Yes. I had girlfriends at all stages in life at different places.

Question: What gives you more joy?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What gives me more joy is the smile on the face of my fiance

Next Question
Do you think Chicken came first or the egg? and why?
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Swetha Shenoy
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Bilogically speaking the zygot cell which exists in the egg and responsible for DNA mutation to produce a new animal holds the key to break this brain teaser up!

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How do we free ourselves from possessive wives?
By winning thIer faith and trust on us.
My question- Do yo go to gym regularly?
Yes im succeful but i, young and want to be very very succefull person in my life...
No I do not go but I do yoga

My question is

Are you satisfied with your life if no then why?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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