How do you describe worship ?

According to me serving humanity is worship, as God is in the heart of every person.

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I agree with you "God is Love
Love is God.
Thank you for sharing.
Himan service is social service or charity. The devotee may consider that this pleases the God or deity he worships. But worship is a different concept. This is performed to 'God' or 'deity'. This is known by different names: Puja by Hindus, Ibadat or Namaz by Muslims and so on. This is usually perofrmed in temple, church or mosque or specially earmarked area in home.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

According to me, worship is a pure adoration and response to God and participating in rites that honor God. It could be serving humanity or by helping the needy in your own possible way...
Worship is truly that expressed that your heart. It's right ,Worship serving humanity.

Be positive
Serving humanity is good. But worship is a distinct concept. Let us see the following link for exact meaning. This means some kind of ritual to honor a deity or 'GOD'

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Worship in another sense is serving God and we can serve God in many ways like donating blood, giving alms to the poor, donating your clothes and other other goods to the needy etc...
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