At what age do you think children should have a mobile ?

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Children need and should have mobile phone around fifteen years age. By then, they learn the use of the phone and also may interact when necessary.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,Gulshan is right.They should have the mobile ony at the age or above the age of 15.But nowadays even 2 year old has started playing with the i phone.
Yes i agree with gulshan ji, but now a day many of the school going kids have mobiles, if both the parents are working then i think the kid needs one to contact them

I think, After 10th they need mobile. If their parents are working then kid needs mobile at age of 7th/8th. But now after 1 and half yrs they learn how handle mobile.

Be positive
First of all a very good question asked by Fathima in this post and I also adore and pay due respect to the views of the individual members and I too think that they should not be given mobile at an early age but it also depends upon whole lot of situations as mentioned by one of the members that sometimes when the parents are out or the child is out then it becomes necessary for the tracking and security purpose of the child...
Well, there are both pros and cons of mobile, it is very useful if used in a right way but kids do misuse it a lot... Really i can't state a right age of mobile...
this question is really a hard to answer, if mobile is provided to them at early stage it should contain less feature's ex: some old handsets(not a smartphone).
I think 15 years is good to give mobile to our children on that age they understand well.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I also think that 15 years is correct. I have heard that in China even school kids below 10 use mobile but it's different from what we are using.
Some have mentioned that even very small children play with mobuile phones. Small children are curious about everything. Hence they need toys. Mobile phone toy is best for small children.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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