What do you feel, India is country with people full of .....

1.Blind Faith
2.Intelectual Brains
3.Hardworking aspect
5.Great business abilities
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The attributes given are common to all countries. The Christians in U.S.A. and Europe are motre superstitious in many respect. Indians are intellectually second to none. They are hard working also. They have business abilities.

Corruption is our major drawback. This is because of strong individualism and family orientation. Also heavy expenses on birth, marriage, death and other ceremonies fuel corruption. But corruption is also not unique to India. Recently, an American company bribed a member of Customs & Central Excise Tribunal. The American company has been booked in U.S.A. No country is corruption free.

We need to fight against food and drug adulteration and corrupt medical practices first, ignoring everything else. Food and drug adulteration directly affect human bodies and hence this aspect of corruption needs priority action. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In my view ..

India is country with people full of Hardworking Aspect...
I think India is a country full of intellectual brains and hardworking people and provided the opportunity given they are no less than the people of others countries but it is a bare fact the limited availabilities of resources and infrastructure is what hindering them to reveal their true character in terms of achievements and occumplishments...
My Opinion is
India is country with people full of Corruption..
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