Your blogs can get traffic like a website if your contents are good and not found on google search before posting. My one blog status of alexa rank is more than some website also.

So do not worry keep posting on blogs and boddunan to get more traffic.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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This is good suggestion. But if the blog is not approved for ad sense, will there be any gain. What are other alternatives to ad sense. I have a blog on google. This is given on bottom of post.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshanji, One very good alternative to google adsense is Chitika but I have heard that it doesn't pay as much as adsense...
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Good idea and thanks for sharing.Always,google sense is the one whose pay is uncomparable to the others.
Dear Gulshan

I suggesst you try to get approval from other website like isc or any other site if u get approval then you can link your blog to adsense account after that also.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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