At a press conference at Cannes for his next movie 'Paani', filmmaker Shekhar Kapur had a surprising twist in store. He had brought along water from Mumbai's infamous Dharavi slum, and mixed it with regular bottles of water being served at the press conference. Shekhar said that if people were really committed to the movie, they would drink the water. He drank it himself, without knowing where the water was from.

'Paani', which stars Hrithik Roshan, begins filming towards the end of the year, and it deals with the global water crisis. It tells the story of a world facing a severe water crisis. And it is also a love story between a girl from the modern city which controls the water and a boy from the backward city where they have to fight for the water.

It's been a long-in-the-planning project for Shekhar, and he was obviously excited about it. It's confirmed now that A R Rahman will be scoring the music for the project. But other crew and cast are still being finalised.
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Great director on a great topic on global crisis of water and matched with great actor like H.Roshan. Will eagerly be waiting for the release of the movie...
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