Many girls yield to family pressureand break the relation with their best boyfriend. Many boys also do this. How far this is correct.

Although individual choice is imprtant, We have still a joint family concept. The marriage is not just between individuals but between families. The boy and girls as well as family should consider each others' views and settle amicably. Here is a viewpoint:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

ya i am 100% agree with you sir this is very important for love couple to understand each other before they get married. It is right that many girls and boy break there relationship because of pressure of there parents and family members . I am 18 year old boy and i will appreciate love marriage more than arrange marriages . Parents and family members have to understand there child's and consider each other view before deciding something.i hope you agree with my point of view.



I agree with you gulshan kumarji, but i feel parents are right, as they think of the future of their child, and the couple thinks only about the present day, once married they have to deal with lot of responsibilities and dealing with responsibilities persons can change and couples don't find each other the same person they knew before marriage.

I agree with you gulshan kumarji, but i feel parents are right, as they think of the future of their child, and the couple thinks only about the present day, once married they have to deal with lot of responsibilities and dealing with responsibilities persons can change and couples don't find each other the same person they knew before marriage.

We have a system of arranged marriage. There are very few cases of genuine love marriages. Mostly, marriages are arranged. Even love marriage in Indian context means arrangement by prospective groom and bride on consideration of career, status, profession and physical charms etc. the 'love marriage' is not a true western type marriage.

In Indian Context, it is advisable that all family members including parents and the marriagable children openly discuss the issue and make a family decision.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think arranged marriage system is the best system as divorce cases are not so more in that type of marriages.

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