Every law needs discussion in parliament. A bill has to be presented before parliament, discussed and passed therein. This is the due process of law. Following due process of law is basic to parliamentary system. Opposition plays a role in balancing unilateral decisions of treasury benches. Thus there are inbuilt checks and balances.

The Hazare group has brought in a new and extra parliamentary notion of so called 'civil society'. What is civil society. This consists of all citizens of India, including politicians. The civil society members desirous of participating in political affairs or any interfering with working of government should do so within framework of constitution.

It is q question of discussion whether the unlawful activities like fast unto death for any purpose like Lok Pal Bill should be permitted or given sanctity. This is also debatable whether the committee of government representatives and so called civil society is constitutional. Should opposition M.P. not be involved in drafting the Lok Pal bill.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Fast is a silent method that Gandhi introduced to us.But faasting to death is not advisable.

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Fast is a silent method that Gandhi introduced to us.But faasting to death is not advisable.

We cannot compare Gandhi to Hazare. Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh and Subhash Chandra Bose all fought for independence in their own way. We support all three irrespective of method- violence or non violence.

Gandhi, Subhash and Bhagat singh had no constitutional and parliamentary options. Now we are a sovereign democratic parliamentary nation. Now, we need not follow Gandhian non violence or Bhagat Singh's violence. Now we should tackle all problems within framework of constitution. People are supreme. They exercise their power through ballot. They taught even dictatorial Indira Gandhi a lesson through ballot. Se definitely need not resort to extra constitutional means like those of Hazare. We need neither Gandhian nor Maoist tactics. We need only parliamentary path and use power of ballots.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The poltical leanings of Hazare group are now clearly visible. Hazare has not taken kindly to free expression of views by Congress General Secretary Digvijay singh and Union Minister Kapil sibal. The way Hazare praised Modi and now BJP is supporting Hazare in the name of fighting corruption, it is evident that Hazare group is not so non political.

The basic question is on very survival of our constitution and parliamentary system. How can a group of individuals gather at Jantar Mantar and dictate their terms sidetracking the elected representatives of people. Hazare has contempt for democracy, parliament and consequently for people ofIndia. These are the points our memers and users need consider and debate.



G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't know the political leanings of Hazare.But if there is political motivations behind him really it is sorry.

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I don't know the political leanings of Hazare.But if there is political motivations behind him really it is sorry.

Anyone who interferes with functions of state is politician whatever way he describes. Drafting of Lok pal Bill is a political function of parliament. Hazare group turned politician the moment they interfered with this job. The next question is of party affiliation. Hazare is described as Gandhian. Gandhian is a political ideology. We cannot say that a Maoist or Marxist is politician and a Gandhian is not. having concluded that Hazare is a politician, we come to party affiliation. The Sangh Pariwar and BJP are supporting Hazare. Congress and Samajvadi party are opposing him. Bhushan, another member of the Jan LOK Pal, was a law minister. How could a non politician be law minister. This clearly shows that Hazare Group has sangh Parwar leanings.

Undoubtedly, Hazare group is political. But they are interfering in politics and being allowed so without any authority of constitution and Law. Any Bill must be debated in parliament and voted there before this becomes an Act. The Bill now being drafted by govt. representatives and Hazare group is currently not valid. This will have to be debated in parliament and voted there with active participation of ruling and opposition M.P.s. Only then this will be valid.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A Public Interest litigation has been filed for Hazare who is guilty of irregularities in a NGO managed by him. Hazare had said that he cannot guarantee of anyone except himself. Obviously, he cannot now guaranteehonesty of even his own NGO.


Allahabad High court has given a notice to Central Government over issue of Lok Pal drafting panel.


From above, it is obvious that the constitutioanlity of Lok Pal Panel is in doubt as this is constituted not according to parliamentary or laid down procedure but according to whimsical mob behavior instigated by Gandhian blackmail.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hazare agrees to Judges being kept out of purview of Lok Pal Bill. But Hegde questions this view.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Fater and son Bhushans are 'civil society members' in The Jan Lok Pal panel. Both are alleged for many irregularities. Do the 'civil society members' deserve treatment different from ordinary citizens. See below for opinion.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The GD of this week is on this subject as this is to be discussed among all Indians.

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As some would like, Jan Lok Pal Bill is nota solution to end corruption. Mostof the problems will remain untackled even after operation of thius bill if passed as an Act by parliament. Unless the causes of corruption are removed, there is no remedy. Kapil sibal is not alone in this thinking.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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