gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:

Saying good bye to a lover/ beloved is not same as abandoning children. your mom or dad could say good bye to each other before marrying or before your birth. There was no question of their saying good bye to you.

if u'r MOM/DAD had abandoned u by x,y,z reasons will it be ok 2 u or u had abandoned MOM/DAD by x,y,z reasons will it be ok 2 u or u'r pal had abandoned u by x,y,z reasons will it be ok & viceversa.

so why gulshan kumar ajmani feels ditching or abandoning children or Saying good bye to a lover/ beloved is not same as abandoning children

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Parents are duty bound to children. The relation between parents and children is blood relation. The parents are legally, socially and morally bound to properly bring up and groom their children. Similarly, children are supposed to look after parents in their old age. Law also provided for this obligation.

There is no social,blood, moral or legal relation or obligation between lovers not yet married. If the lovers are compatible to each other, they may marry. Before that, there is no relation and if not compatible to each other, better say good bye. You cannot compel your boyfriend or girlfriend in a lasting relation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I completely agree with what Gulshan has said.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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