It is said that God represents all that is good,virtuous and beautful wheras Satan is an anti thesis of God. Satan represents vice, dark and evil. We find that in today's world, there is more injustice, unhappiness, cruelty, greed and corruption. Truth and justice are at a discount. so it appears that Stan is more powerful and successful.
It is for us to discuss whether God is supreme, Satan is stronger or both- God and Satan are imaginary and good as well as evil are our own traits- God and Satan have nothing to do with these.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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God and Satan both are symbols of good and evil. The bitter fact is that goo and bad both the entities are equally strong and powerful.

Harish Jharia
If we want to make this world, country and our society better then we will have to fight the evil-entities collectively... and the current bad elements are the corrupt politicians and big biggies.

Harish Jharia
I think God or Shaitan is inside us so its depend upon us i make which one powerful.

both does not have physical identity but its one type of good concept.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The views of Santosh Kumar Singh appear more rational. We need to rid ourselvs and our society of evil and promote virtue.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Some one who believes in Supreme GOD will definitely agree that, the cycle of Shrusti-Stithi-Laya / Creation-Organization-Destroying is controlled by God. Therefore Satan also is the part of God’s creation. In this context, how can Satan become more powerful and greater than God? God is supposed to be well wisher and care taker of his created children. Then why God has created this evil Satan? I will try to explain it with a simple example.

A teacher in the school should treat all the students equally and is supposed to be their well wisher. But, those students will not remain as students for ever. They need to become adult responsible citizens and good professionals by acquiring skills, talent and intelligences. The teacher to assess the student’s capabilities and eligibilities, to promote them to next class or to allot them a rank / grade, will give a test / exam / home work to the students. Some hard working students will perform well and get promoted / good ranks. Due to lack of concentration, parents support, disturbances / luring / exploitations from around atmospheric circumstances some others will fail or get low ranks.

Similarly God will assign the Satan to test us and to allocate our fate for our future life and births based on our previous kriya and karma.

Life is the best gift that GOD has given to us as human being. Our life is like a game, a mixture of sweet, soar, pain etc. Play it according to the rules of humanity.
Imagine, this universe as a football ground, the ball (our jeeva) being tossed between virtues and vices. Maya / Satan (in the form of Kam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Ahankar etc) is the goal keeper always try to stand before us luring. Be careful and move forward with indomitable courage to fall in the Divine Goal Post of GOD by escaping from the luring of Maya. Life in this context is worth living, which can fetch for us all other things; we feel are essential in this materialistic world.

God bless you all.

Sridhar Kesireddy
Sridhar Kesireddy has concluded well by saying that life is worth living and we should play it according to the rules of humanity. We must act for the irtue and shun the vice. The message is good.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Really God is great.We seems ,Satanic verses and deeds are predominant here because our eye sees only negative and mind thinks accordingly.Many Godly things are also happening which never get high lighted.
Just look - a rape news will be in front page of the news paper and in prime time in channels.What about a charity act ?It will be a single column news in paper and channels would haven't known about it!!!

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God and Satan are equally powerful. But the way they use power i.e., for doing good and bad make them more powerful.
A good point made Abid. So it appears that Satan has more media publicity than God. Satan is closer to press and media. You also commented that our mind thinks negatively. Thus our minds are satanic. Here lies the power of Satan.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you Gulshan.Yes negative thinking is the default status of our mind.When one begins a charity mission to help poor without expecting any reward people thinks that he get something from this works.So our mind is the problem creator.

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