Dear friends I have seen fantastic growth in boddunan in last 2 week.
This is the Alexa report of 17th december
Alexa Traffic Rank FOR bODDUNAN

7 day 266,254

1 month 192,317

3 month 152,979

and today on 31st we have this rank
Alexa Traffic Rank FOR bODDUNAN

Yesterday- Data not available

7 day 90,484

1 month 169,557

3 month 154,644

I think after Boddunan Team come back from vacation they are doing more work to take this site to sky.
We all are with you Boddunan Team
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If you were given the last times rank also members were able to compare them and make more efforts to make it low again.

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Abid which day rank you want .to compare with today's Rank or what you want actually?
You had posted the rank details before this also in a discussion.I think only you are posting this details.So please give last posts details to compare with this one or post this in that thread itself.

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Yes, good growth.. I think one of the reasons could be Christmas as I got some 3-4 comments on my Christmas story on that day itself. So maybe we could try to give some more articles on festivals, how they are celebrated in their parts.. etc..

Dear friends from today onwards I will continue with this thread for daily alexa rank for our better understanding the position of the site and how much we are working for this site.

Below rank is as on 1 st january 2010

7 day 99,885

1 month 163,135

3 month 155,792
Yes, that is very nice.Now every one could know the rank details from here itself.Thanks for this work.

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fantastic new i think we should do hard work to increase boddunan earning and it will increase our pocket money also.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Below rank is as on 2nd january 2010

7 day 96,373

1 month 160,556

3 month 154,822
Ranks are slowly slowly decreasing.
I think we can make it to 10000 soon instead of 100000.
After that advertisers will start showing high paying ads which will help us to earn more
Below rank is as on 4th january 2010

7 day 100,095

1 month 147,776

3 month 150,811

Can check it at this link
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