Failure - the most dreaded experience in our life! Here is Napolean Hill's thought-provoking observation on it.

"Failure is nature's plan to prepare you for great responsibilities."

What is your take?

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Success and failure are both possibilities. Failure should not dishearten but should wait for next attempt. Greater responsibilities do not necessary means getting failure. Nobody wants failure so that he may get great responsibility. It means that one who is successful in first attempt will not get great responsibility. This is like making virtue of necessity. It is okay not to be disheartened and try again but it is fallacious to say that failure is nature's plan for greater future responsibility.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A fallacy may result in illogical construction of terms! I personally believe Hill's observations are purely based on postive interpretation of failures.It would be too far-fetched to assume that successful ones would have no responsibilties!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]A fallacy may result in illogical construction of terms! I personally believe Hill's observations are purely based on positive interpretation of failures.It would be too far-fetched to assume that successful ones would have no responsibilities![/quote]

Failure is definitely not liked by any one. everyone likes early success. But no one should be pessimist. If not once, one may succeed next time and even beat one who got initial success. Hill's observations are encouraging and inspiring in moments of failure.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We should not get disheartened by failures.We all know that failures are stepping stones to success. :) :)
So long as we learn something from the failures, its alright. But if we refuse to look at what went wrong and commit the same mistakes, then we are losers!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

If you keep winning and at one stage if you fail it will hurts more however on the other hand a person who has ups and downs will know better the pain of failure and it will never hurt him more.
Failures are always to be taken in postive way similar to success as both are part of life. :) :)
i feel we should take it as a steeping stone for success, but the issue arrives when we start comparing with others who have done well.
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