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If points are low that means alexa rank for site is good and you can guess it by my comments.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Exactly as high as the viewership grows, the ranks get better. lets hope it will touch a far better rank soon.

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We are on good position on indian ranking :woohoo: but, can anyone explain why site listing increases from 152 to 157.!?

Dear vinod

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Santosh Kumar Singh


Hi guys!








Canada's <a href=>canadian health&care mall - healthcare online</a> care arrangement is a bunch of socialized <a href=>health care</a> protection plans that provides coverage to all Canadian citizens. It is publicly funded and administered on a loutish or territorial basis, within guidelines appoint by the federal government.

Care of the <a href=>healthcare</a> safe keeping combination, individual citizens are provided preventative protection and medical treatments from first mindfulness physicians as well as access to hospitals, dental surgery and additional medical services. With a handful exceptions, all citizens condition payment <a href=>canadian health&care mall email</a> coverage regardless of medical story, close takings, or rule of living.

Canada's <a href=>canadian health mall</a> punctiliousness arrangement is the subject of much civic argument and cogitation in the country. Some puzzle the efficiencies of the on the qui vive combination to transport treatments in a opportune fashion, and upholder adopting a confidential method similar to the Amalgamated States. Conversely, there are worries that privatization would lead to inequalities in the <a href=>canadian health mall</a> system with lone the well off being proficient to sacrifice standard treatments.

Canada's <a href=>health&care mall</a> care arrangement is "socialized medicine."
False. In socialized medical systems, the <a href=>dr. edward b. armington</a> work exactly over the extent of the state. In Canada (and many other countries with omnipresent anguish), <a href=>canadian health & care mall</a> run their own personal practices, reasonable like they do in the US. The only alteration is that every doctor deals with one insurer, as opposed to of 150. And that insurer is the provincial superintendence, which is accountable to the legislature and the voters if the quality of coverage is allowed to slide.

The apposite expression due to the fact that this is "single-payer insurance." In talking to Americans forth it, the cured idiomatic expression is "Medicare to go to all."

<a href=>canadian health&care mall phone number</a> are shop-worn financially on single-payer <a href=>health&care mall</a> care.
Frankly and False. <a href=>canadian healthcare shop</a> in Canada do order less than their US counterparts. But they also be struck by lessen raised, and most often much better working conditions. A only one reasons in the service of this:

Before, as respected, they don't induce to accusation higher fees to cover the wages of a full-time staffer to deal with over a hundred different insurers, all of whom are bent on denying care whenever possible. In fact, most Canadian <a href=>canadian healthcare shop</a> manoeuvre close to unreservedly nicely with upright people socialize, who cheerfully handles the phones, mail, scheduling, diligent reception, stocking, filing, and billing all by means of herself in the obviously of a standard workday.

Impaired, they don't compel ought to to spend individual hours every day on the phone cajoling indemnity train bean counters into doing the bang on thing before their patients. My doctor in California worked a 70-hour week: 35 hours seeing patients, and another 35 hours on the phone arguing with assurance companies. My Canadian doctor, on the other hand, works a 35-hour week, period. She files her invoices online, and the massive womanhood are altogether paid -- quietly, quickly, and without hassle. There is no runaround. There are no fights. Appointments aren't interrupted before vexing phone calls. Supervision look after is seldom denied (because everybody knows the rules). She gets her checks on time, sees her patients on schedule, takes Thursdays off, and gets home in pro tempore in the service of dinner.

In addition to public <a href=>health&care mall</a> charge providers such as basic heedfulness <a href=>canadian health care mall</a> and hospitals, many private clinics offering specialized services also manage in Canada.

Call of federal law, off the record clinics are not legally allowed to provide services covered sooner than the Canada <a href=>canadian healthcare mall</a> Act. Regardless of this licit climax, many do offer such services.

The use of exclusive clinics is that they typically put forward services with reduced wait times compared to the manifest <a href=>canadian health care and mall</a> care system. Instead of prototype, obtaining an MRI scan in a infirmary could be missing a waiting while of months, whereas it could be obtained much faster in a private clinic.

Sneaking clinics are a disposed to of spat, as some pity that their continuation unbalances the <a href=>canadian health care and mall</a> care organization and favors treatments to those with higher incomes.

Costs in hidden clinics are regularly covered on private security policies, which determination typically compensate in every direction 80% of the costs.

Epidemic <a href=>health&care mall</a> cover is on the American scheme agenda recompense the fifth time since Time War II. In the 1960s, the U.S. chose public coverage representing just the senescent and the bare poor, while Canada opted concerning a comprehensive program for hospitals and physicians' services. As a policy analyst, I be familiar with there are lessons to be scholastic from studying the effect of different approaches in compare favourably with jurisdictions. But, as a Canadian with lots of American friends and relatives, I am saddened that Americans feel incapable of lore them.

Our countries are joined at the hip. We peacefully share a continent, a British heritage of illustrative supervision and now ownership of GM. And, until 50 years ago, we had similar <a href=>canadian health&care mall - healthcare online</a> systems, <a href=>canadian health mall</a>dolour costs and fundamental statistics.
Dear idomikansioky

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Santosh Kumar Singh



Alexa Traffic Rank: 136,272 Traffic Rank in IN: 18,288 .

Sites Linking In: 157


Santosh Kumar Singh


28 feb 12

Alexa Traffic Rank: 137,564 Traffic Rank in IN: 17,585 .

Sites Linking In: 157


Santosh Kumar Singh


Hi idomikansioky, What are you trying to post? I cant understand anything. dont do like this here. Otherwise your account will be blocked By admin...

Its ranking for this site? Its good . I am sure it will be increase as members are increasing too.

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