Deleting of MP4 or MPEG files are not possible under normal process unless you have Unlocker Assistant downloaded to your system. It works excellently.
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Pradeep, can you please throw some light on what is Unlocker Assistant. What it does, who developed and its details, if possible.
Abhishek, you will get details about it on google.But in brief,
it,s a free software which can be downloaded from internet. It performs several functions including deleting files. The files which are deleted won't go to recycle bin, rather it will go directly to the registry.
pradeep what you exactly say from "deleting MP4 or MPEG files using Unlocker Assistant" ..
Sanjeet, there are different file formats like mp3,.jpg, .pdf,.doc. .exl, etc. In the same manner MP4 oe MPEG files are a type of file format, which can,t be deleted using normal right click and selecting delete. It would require Unlocker Assistant for deleting or renaming or moving. Some video files are in MP4 format.
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