To become a develop country India should be at par with other developed countries in all aspect, bullet train being a part of it.
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Japan is very proud of its high-speed train system, the Shinkansen, or "bullet train," which is known and admired throughout the world for its safety & features

No according to my opinion bullet train is far away from india at least next 10 years.
chandan kumar wrote:
[quote]No according to my opinion bullet train is far away from india at least next 10 years.[/quote]
I think we need to encourage our railway system to put bullet train on the track as quick as possible in few years. I assure you that bullet train will be put on the track in this decade only.

Want to make each day Accountable

Seeing towards the nature and number of mountains that are in India, it will really be a challenge to build bullet train in India
Its a big challenge but it is not impossible to build a bullet train and it will certainly happen....
Bullet train should be introduced, where their is heavy traffic like Delhi-Mumbai route. The break even will be achieved in same year as was achieved by Delhi Metro.
We should suggest our railway government to adopt bullet trains as soon as possible.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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