Do Pure love still available in this world.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Yes definately it is available because for me love is what a mother has it towards her new born baby... Its pure love surely....
Wow This is really good answer kavitha, You child is lucky.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes pure love do exists . The love of a mother for her child is purest of all . No doubts.
yup love is afeeling of mind which may kill us with lots of pain SO WE MUST BEWARE OF IT.............................
Yes, you all people are absolutely right.But in mother love also there is some impurity now a days,as mother throwing their born babies in dustbin, and some mother are there who love their kid alot and care them so kindly.So there is good and bad present in love.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Love has many forms, but pure love is just one. I think it is between God and His Realised one, the real Bhakta.
What is pure love and impure love, can any one tell about this.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala, pure love is something that doesn't ask for anything from lover other than love itself. It also means that one always sees the good in the lover and this is always possible in case of God and his Bhakta. It is only God who won't ever leave us even if we die and take rebirth. The only thing is realisation of Him.
Love is always pure.The best example is the love the mother has towards her child. :) :)
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