I have observed the road traffic in various places in India.

I cannot grade road traffic of any city including Delhi where I live, as perfect

The worst traffic I have seen in Raipur and Bhilai in MP

Please suggest the ways to improve this

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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There is no way other than to curtail number of vehicles on road. This may be achieved by strictly reducing personal transport and improving public transport. Need for transport may be reduced by better communication facility and keeping all connected places- work, office, factory, residence, medical facilities at one place. The concept of small office home office may be developed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think only using of public transport can decrease traffic from road and one more thing Government should provide subsidy to discover some Battery operated vehicle
Very good suggeation. Battery operated vehicle will be pollution free as well. People should be encouraged to use bicycles for short distances.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hello soubhagya das,

My thread has raised the problem of traffic sense in the people of India.
We are not discussing about Pollution in cities.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia

Traffic in India which can't able to control . So my opinion is if we want to go office,school in time we have to start soon .
peoples must have to follow the rules of driving by that we can improve it so much
Although the main theme is traffic sense, there are allied matters of pollution and security. There is no harm in touching these matters while sticking to main theme.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let us stick to the subject of the thread . For pollution please open another thread.

Harish Jharia
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