Cracks in the heels are usually found in those people whose skin is excessively dry. Cracked heels are also found in those people who have the habit of walking around bare feet, over rough terrain, as well as in and around the house. Cracked heels make your feet look dirty and unsightly, and in severe cases, can cause pain while walking. Apart from this, having cracked heels does not pose any kind of danger to your overall health. As such, you can remove the cracks from your feet by implementing some of the oldest, and therefore, some of the best remedies. Till the cracks on your feet do not heal, make it a point to soak your feet in warm, soapy water every night for ten minutes. Scrub them clean, and then gently massage vegetable oil or butter (the unsalted version) in to your heels. After this, make it point to wear your soaks immediately and then move around. You can continue with this remedy even after the cracks heals, just to make sure that the cracks are not formed again. Apply glycerin to your feet every day to make sure that the skin of your feet remains hydrated and does not lose its elasticity.
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To soften your feet, you can also try the following remedy. Take a medium sized banana that has become over ripe. Mash it into a pulp and add a teaspoon of olive oil to it. Apply this mixture on your feet, especially on the heels and leave it on for at least two hours. Wash it off with a very mild soap and warm water, dry your feet and immediately massage a little bit of olive oil in your feet. You will have to do this every day for around two to three weeks, for it to show effectively. Sesame oil too helps in healing cracked heals. You can apply that as well, every night, before going to sleep. Glycerin, mixed with rosewater, also works wonders in healing the heels. If the cracks are too severe and subsequently causing pain, this is what you can do. Melt one tablespoon of paraffin wax and add one teaspoon of coconut oil to it. Apply this mixture into the cracks of your heels and leave it overnight. In the morning, soak your feet in warm water and gently scrub your feet with a loofah to remove the dead skin and any dirt that might have accumulated.
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"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Cracked heels are a very common foot problem. They are called heel fissures and are caused by dry skin

Yes Abhishek. I used last year an other remedy which also works good for me. Take warm water in a bowel and sprinkle a bit salt in it and put your feets on the bowl for at least half an hour before going to bed. When feets become moistures clean with it dried and clean cotton cloth and apply gingelly or mustard oil. Within one day my problem of cracking heels solved.
You must use footwear when in home also.
B) B)
Cracked heels even get worse in winter . Thanks for giving tips for preventing and curing cracked heels.
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