Brown rice, also known as hulled rice, is a partly milled or unmilled form of natural grain. It is far more nutritious than the more common form of rice - white rice. It has a nutty flavor; however, it gets rancid far more quickly than white rice. Brown rice may be long-grained, short-grained, or sticky rice. In earlier times, most of Asia associated this variety of rice with poverty and shortage during war. Furthermore, this form of rice was earlier consumed only in case of sickness, or as an effective remedy for constipation. Overtime, this form of rice has become a preferred choice among many people. Moreover, it has now become even more expensive than white rice as there is a relatively short supply of it and there are several difficulties in storage and transportation of this rice.

The amount of carbohydrates, calories, and proteins is similar in both brown and white rice. The primary distinguishing factor between the two forms is in their nutritional content and processing method. In the production of white rice, the outermost layer of a rice grain and the second layer which is the bran layer and the germ are removed. Thus, in white rice only the starchy endosperm remains. In brown rice, however, only the outermost layer – the husk – is removed. In the white rice polishing process, most of the vitamins and minerals are lost due to the removal of the layers. The bran layer that is removed in white rice results in the loss of oil in the bran as well. This oil is essential as it helps reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. Other nutritious sources that is lost in small amounts after the white rice polishing process is fatty acids and fiber.

People who adopt brown rice diets believe that the high amount of fiber in brown rice serves to cleanse the colon. It acts as a sort of pipe-cleaner, taking along with it any remnant pollutants, pesticides, heavy metals, and chemicals during its passage through the intestines, during digestion. In a brown rice diet, you are required to cook organic brown rice. Prior to cooking, it would be advisable to soak the rice for at least 25-30 minutes, even overnight, if possible. This will help soften the layer of bran and make it easier to cook and consequently digest. In a brown rice diet, you can consume only brown rice, accompanied by fruits and vegetables, for no less than 7 days. The diet does not place any specific restrictions with regards to the portion that should be consumed.
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Partly milled rice is referred to as brown rice. It is the grain as a whole; also known as hulled rice. It is high in its nutrient composition and has a low shelf life. Removal of the bran layer results in white rice. Brown rice is a good source of manganese, magnesium and selenium. The process of polishing and milling of rice removes eighty per cent of thiamine, half the phosphorus and manganese, sixty seven percent of vitamin B3, sixty per cent of iron, majority amount of essential fatty acids and dietary fibre and ninety per cent of pyridoxine. Brown rice contains oil that helps in reduction of cholesterol levels. Selenium helps as a free radical scavenger.

Quinoa is a grain that is a good alternative for brown rice. It is cooked in the same way as rice. It is also suitable for individuals who suffer from gluten intolerance. It has high calcium content, which is higher than that in milk. It is easily digestible and provides a good source of carbohydrate. It has a coat of saponin, due to which it has to be washed well, prior to use. Lysine is deficient in vegetarian diet, which is derived from this grain. It is also rich in phosphorus, B-vitamins, iron and vitamin E. Brown rice pasta is also a good alternative for brown rice.
Quinoa has a high degree of protein, about twelve to eighteen per cent. It is good for growth and repair of tissues. Quinoa helps in the prevention of constriction of blood vessels, thereby preventing migraine attacks. Its high concentration of magnesium protects from ischemic heart disease. It has a high content of insoluble fibre, which aids in the prevention of gall stones. It also provides phytonutrients, such as antioxidants. This helps in the scavenging of free radicals and thereby also saves from degenerative diseases. It also proves beneficial to individuals with diabetes, due to the magnesium present in them. Plant lignans in quinoa prevent breast cancer.

Millet is a sweet alternative to brown rice. It is a good source of magnesium. It has a nutty flavour, when dry toasted prior to cooking. Barley is also an effective alternative for brown rice. It decreases cholesterol levels. It supplies niacin and selenium, which helps the cardiovascular system and colon respectively. Barley is a storehouse of zinc, B vitamins, potassium and calcium. It also soothes the liver and the intestinal tract.
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