Benefits of 3 water temperatures:

* Hot Water can help detoxify the body:

When toxin in the body goes up, the body concentrates them in the liver lymph system, intestines and skin to speed up their excretion. But the problem is toxins can make our metabolism slow. That is where the hot water does its work. By flooding the GI tract with heat, it stimulate peristalsis-muscle contractions that encourages the movement of toxins from the liver and lymph system into the digestive tract, therefore speeding their elimination from the body. Hot water also makes your pores open, which can allow stored toxins in the skin tissue to evaporate into the air.

* Lukewarm Water can make you feel full quickly:

When you drink lukewarm water you will feel full quickly. As soon as the water enters the stomach, the organ registers fullness more quickly than with hot or cold water. This makes the stomach expand rapidly, stimulating the brain's nerve to turn off hunger pangs. Room temperature water is also more rapidly absorbed by the stomach lining, so it doesn't stall the digestive process the way hot or cold liquids can.

* Cold Water can give your body a workout:

When you drink cold water your metabolism becomes 3% faster within 10 minutes of finishing a glass of cold water, and it stays elevated for 30minutes more says an expert. The reason here is that your body has to work harder to heat the cold water before it can be absorbed and used by the cells.
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Very useful information given. Thanks for sharing this information.
Yes water is very important and the benefits specified in the post is somewhat unknow or unheard..thanks for sharing such information.
Benefits of warm water with lemon juice in the morning

Warm water with lemon in the morning is the perfect start of the day. By drinking it people feel energized. While sleeping body is on a fast and after wake up it is in a mild state of dehydration. Lemon water can re-hydrate the unlike coffee which is loaded with the diuretic caffeine within minutes of drinking warm lemon water. In the following article there are benefits of warm lemon juice.

Lemon juice is extensively known for its medicinal properties. It contains large amounts of nutrients such as Vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Warm lemon water acts as a tonic to the liver and stimulates the bowel to eliminate accumulated waste if it is taken before anything in the morning. It helps to lower blood sugar and can lower the glycemic impact of any meal. Lemon juice with hot water reduces its sour flavor and cancels out some if its acidic qualities. The problems like heartburn, indigestion or bloating are solved by taking warm lemon water. It is a natural antihistamine and will reduce congestion. By drinking warm lemon juice the can be shifted in to a better state of health and prevent many future illness.
Benefits of warm water with lemon juice in the morning

Lemon juice wash toxins out from the body. By drinking a cup of warm water and lemon in the morning, improvement in the skin can be seen.

Digestion Problems:
Lemon helps the digestive system to make the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It flushes out the body toxins. Many digestion issues such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and parasites are relived by warm lemon juice. It also relieves hiccups.

Infection Prevention:
It is often used to prevent illnesses such as the cold and the flu as lemon is high in vitamin C. It may also soothe common symptoms of cold and flu such as sore throats and headaches.

Helps in reducing weight:
Drinking warm lemon juice can also help in reducing the weight. A regular intake of lemon water promotes elimination, a process that any weight loss diet needs before visible results can be observed. Effects begin to feel after some time and if coupled with a healthy diet and enough exercise.

Helps in tackling heart-related issues:
Lemon contains potassium which helps people having heart-related issues.

Acts as rejuvenator:
Being a rich source of vitamin c, it has rejuvenating properties. Even the smell of lemon can refresh us.

Boosts immune system:
Lemon water strengthens the immune system and helps to prevent illness. Vitamin-C also has healing properties when taken frequently during the day.

Promote clear skin:
Inner health is reflected on the surface of the skin. Toxins trapped in the colon ultimately find their way to other body parts as well as the skin. This triggers acne flare-ups or skin rashes due to allergies. Drinking lemon water effectively cleans the bowel of harmful waste and toxins so that with regular consumption, the skin will be healthy and blemish-free.

Lemon juice presents a host of preventative health benefits. By humanizing natural immunity and strengthening white blood cells, the fruit’s rich antioxidants battle free radicals and ward off illnesses like influenza, malaria, and common cold. Lemon juice protects the vascular system from disease and deficiencies with its vitamin PP content. The healthy lemon juice and hot water mix employs natural bioflavonoids, niacin and thiamin to assist in preventing such conditions as diphtheria, rheumatism, and osteoarthritis.
Other benefits of Drinking warm water with lemon juice in the morning

* Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water. It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by the body. It is also thought to help dissolve gallstones.
* The lemon juice is a great cleanser and purifier of blood, liver and kidney’s.
* Lemon is a diuretic. This means that lemon water is especially good for people with urinary tract infections. People with arthritis or rheumatism can benefit from consuming lemons because it helps flush out toxins and bacteria. When lemon is mixed with coffee, it also helps eliminate headaches.
* When externally applied, lemon juice poured on a cotton ball and gently applied to the nostrils can stop nose bleeds although this may sting a little. When massaged gently into gums, lemon juice can effectively stop bleeding gums.
* Because of its high Vitamin C content, it is used to prevent and treat many infections, hasten wound healing, and diminish allergies. Lemon juice also relieves symptoms of asthma, tonsillitis, and sore throats.
* Lemon juice is a great source of Vitamin C which supports immune function. Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron and B-vitamins are also in lemon juice.
* It can even boost immunity and brain function, fight cholesterol and fire up your metabolism.
* Lemon juice is anionic and therefore produces an alkalizing effect on the body. Disease states only occur when the body pH is acidic. Being alkaline also helps further the detoxification processes.
I haven't read such good information on lemon water, that it is so helpful for our body...Thanks for sharing....
lemon water benefits are quiet good to know...thanks for sharing neetu.. :)
I had a slight doubt about it when people told me about the benefits of lemon water in the morning.I thought about its acidic effects in an empty stomach,
But your superb post eliminated all doubts.Thanks alot.
Is it Bad For your Body to Drink Cold Water?

There’s a persistent urban legend that if you drink cold water, especially after eating, you’ll get cancer. The theory, which has been widely circulated via email, suggests that cold water solidifies fats you have just consumed, quickly causing toxins to create cancer in your body. Sites devoted to proving or disproving urban legends, like, have defeated this theory quite effectively. It is not unhealthy to drink cold water, though in some cases, tepid or room temperature water may be a better choice.

One theory, upon which medical researchers have varying opinions regards whether drinking cold water is as good for you as drinking tepid water, particularly when you are exercising. Some doctors suggest that room temperature or body temperature water is better than cold water, because the body has to expend energy to heat cold water to body temperature, resulting in some water loss. On the other hand, some doctors say that after physical exertion, you should drink cold water since it will help cool the body more effectively than room temperature water.

What is clear is most people who drink cold water are likely to consume more of it, since it tends to taste better and is more satisfying. Even if drinking cold water results in marginal water loss, the extra water you will probably drink will help make up for this. There are some instances where you shouldn’t use cold water, but generally this doesn’t apply to drinking.

If you are attempting to help bring down a fever, or assist someone with sunstroke (animal or person), you should not immerse that person or animal in cold water. Instead you should use lukewarm water, or even slightly warm water. Cold water can provoke chills, which may actually raise body temperature. Though baths can be a helpful way to bring down high fevers, you especially want to avoid allowing someone to shiver or get chilled. If people with fevers drink cold water that is very icy, they may also get chilly, so lukewarm or tepid water may be a better choice.

There are a number of other urban legends associated with the amount of liquids and the type of liquids you consume. For instance people are told that coffee, tea and sodas deplete water from their bodies. Actually, people who routinely drink caffeinated beverages retain about two-thirds of what they drink, and this can be counted as part of daily fluid intake. Another “myth” regarding water is the eight, eight ounce (.24 l) glasses of water are needed daily. While this amount of water, whether you drink cold water or hot, won’t hurt you, daily intake of food usually provides about half the amount of needed fluids. Most people would get by with drinking about 32 ounces (approx. 1 liter) daily.

The best indicator on whether your body is getting enough water is urine color. If your urine is dark yellow, chances are you’re not getting enough water. If you pass clear to very light colored yellow urine, your fluid intake is adequate. Remember that urine color in the morning will always be a little darker. Another indicator is thirst. When your body sends you “I’m thirsty” signals, have something to drink, but don’t worry about whether you should drink cold water or warm.
How to Lose weight by drinking cold water( The Cold Water Diet Plan)

Losing weight by drinking cold water is super easy and the cheapest diet plan out there. Your body will work really hard at trying to keep you warm. This will work off all those excess calories. How EASY is that?!!! Just call it the Cold Water DIET plan!



Just how do you lose weight by drinking cold water? By drinking enough cold water your body will work to stay warm. This means you are burning off calories as your body works really hard to turn up the heat. Your inner thermostat will be trying to adjust and get rid of excess weight.

Drink a lot of cold water every day for a week or two and you will lose unwanted weight. You will be peeing a lot, but the pounds just melt off.

Drinking numerous glasses of water every day for several weeks can be major boredom! Spice it up by adding some lemon or lime to the water. Don't add sugar because then you ill be adding more calories and defeating your DIET.

Think of it this way---You will be losing weight by running back and forth to the bathroom all day. You'll be getting a great healthy workout, when adding running up and down the stairs to get to the bathroom.

Keep eating healthy foods during the cold water DIET. You will lose weight faster by not eating. But then you may pass out behind the wheel of your vehicle due to a lack of food. Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, and low calorie, non-sugar containing cereal for an added boost.

The lemon in the cold water will add to your weight loss. Enough lemon and it will act as a diuretic to clear out excess fluid from your body.
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