Commonly used in our daily cooking, coriander has many health benefits. It is known for building the stomach and promoting digestion.
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Adding one or two teaspoons of coriander juice to fresh buttermilk is ideal for treating nausea and dysentery. Dry coriander treats diarrhoea.
- It is also beneficial for women especially those suffering from a heavy menstrual flow. Six grams of coriander seeds should be boiled in 500 ml water and after adding sugar, it can be consumed while warm.

- For those with arthritis problems, coriander has many anti-inflammatory properties. Boil ground coriander seeds with water and drink the concoction.
- Coriander is known to lower blood sugar by stimulating the secretion of insulin. It has also been called as an 'anti-diabetic' plant. It helps the heart by lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol.

- This herb is also great for the skin. Its juice mixed with turmeric powder can help treat pimples and blackheads.
Coriander seed and cilantro leaves have many known health benefits and researchers are finding more every day. Here are 13 known benefits:

1. Protects against the Salmonella bacteria

2. Reportedly works as a natural chelation treatment

3. Aids in digestion and helps settle the stomach and prevent flatulence

4. Is an anti-inflammatory that may alleviate symptoms of arthritis

5. Protects against urinary tract infections

6. Prevents nausea

7. Relieves intestinal gas

8. Lowers blood sugar

9. Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesteraol (HDL)

10. A good source of dietary fiber

11. A good source of iron

12. A good source of magnesium

13. Rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids
The leaves of coriander are stimulant and tonic. They strengthen the stomach and promote its action, relieve flatulence, increase secretion and discharge of urine and reduce fever. They act as an aphrodisiac, help in the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes thereby counteracting any spasmodic disorders. Coriander seeds reduce fever. and promote a feeling of coolness. Coriander juice is highly beneficial in deficiencies of vitamin A
, B1, B2, C and iron.
Digestive Disorders

One or two teaspoons of coriander juice, added to fresh buttermilk, is highly beneficial in treating digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, dysentery, hepatitis and ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful in typhoid fever.

Dry coriander treats diarrhoea and chronic dysentery, as well as being useful in acidity. Chutney made from dry coriander, green chilies, grated coconut, ginger and black grapes without seeds are a remedy for abdominal pain due to indigestion.
Wow so many benefits from coriander.
Really nature is full of wonder...

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
thanx to the thread starter since lot of new information on coriander. great job
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