Hyperacidity and Heartburn

The gastric glands present in the stomach produce various stomach acids that aid in the process of digestion. At times, the production of these acids, particularly hydrochloric acid increases beyond the normal level and causes Hyperacidity. This Hyperacidity, in turn, causes irritation in the lining of the unprotected esophagus and causes Heartburn.

Hyperacidity and Heartburn are caused by irregular and stressful lifestyle coupled with an unhealthy and erratic diet. The modern stressful lifestyle and stress on acidic food items like carbonated and alcoholic beverages encourage excess production of stomach acids thereby leading to these common stomach ailments.

Moreover, prolonged Hyperacidity and Heartburn in turn, give rise to various other gastrointestinal problems. In fact, Heartburn is one of the most important symptoms of Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Hyperacidity is also known as Acid Dyspepsia, Acid Reflux or Acid Indigestion.

The over the counter medicines like antacids used for the treatment of Hyperacidity and Heartburn only provide temporary relief by suppressing the symptoms. On the other hand, the natural treatment consisting of dietary and lifestyle changes along with a number of natural cures and home remedies for Hyperacidity and Heartburn help to cure these conditions in a holistic manner.

Causes and Symptoms of Hyperacidity and Heartburn

As already mentioned Hyperacidity is caused by over secretion of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal cavity. When this acid travels up to the esophagus or the food pipe then it may cause Heartburn characterized by chest pain and discomfort. These ailments are commonly caused by excessive consumption of oily, spicy and highly seasoned foods.

Obesity, pregnancy, stress, anxiety, not eating on the right time and going to bed immediately after having a heavy meal may also give rise to these problems. Besides, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption tend to increase the risk of developing Hyperacidity and Heartburn.

Intake of certain medicines, especially anti inflammatory drugs may also result in the same. Conditions like Stomach Ulcers, Spinal lesions and Stomach Cancers can also be held responsible for causing these troubles.

Loss of appetite, nausea, restlessness, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, flatulence, belching and the presence of a sour taste in the mouth are some of the most common symptoms of Hyperacidity and Heartburn. The most significant symptom of Heartburn is the presence of a burning sensation and pain in the chest, especially one to four hours after eating. This chest discomfort is at times mistaken for cardiac illness.
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Natural Home Remedies for Hyperacidity and Heartburn

• Regular intake of a mixture of thinned buttermilk and pepper powder is one of the most effective natural home remedies for Hyperacidity and Heartburn.

• Having a combination of ginger juice and honey serves as a good natural cure for Hyperacidity and Heartburn. Take this mixture after meals in order to control these digestive problems.

• Consumption of chilled milk (preferably skimmed) is one of the most highly recommended Hyperacidity and Heartburn home remedies. Small amounts of chilled milk should be taken at regular intervals two to three times throughout the day to get rid of these problems naturally.

• Drinking fresh pineapple juice after having meals is a highly beneficial natural remdy used to reduce Hyperacidity and Heartburn. In the same way, having sweet lemon juice before meals is also a good home remedy to heal these ailments.

• Boil two liters of water with a teaspoon of cumin seeds in it. Then, strain and drink this solution. This is one of the most valuable natural home remedies for Hyperacidity and Heartburn treatment.

• Herbal teas like green tea, cinnamon tea, peppermint tea, chamomile tea etc are therapeutic natural remedies for treating such ailments at home.

• Simply chewing basil leaves is one of the most popular and equally effective Hyperacidity and Heartburn home remedies. Chewing almonds is also beneficial in the treatment of Heartburn because almonds because of their high oil content.

Diet for Hyperacidity and Heartburn

Cold water is highly beneficial in dealing with Hyperacidity and Heartburn. In fact, it can help prevent Heartburn to a great extent if taken right at the onset of the symptoms. Mint juice is also beneficial in this regard.

A healthy and balanced diet with special emphasis on high fiber foods helps to reduce these complaints greatly as they tend to absorb the excess stomach acids. Cucumbers, bananas and watermelons should be positively included in the diet to eliminate these problems. Papaya and apples also help to ease these troubles in a natural way.

It has been observed that sucking a small piece of jaggery is useful in relieving Hyperacidity and Heartburn without any trouble. Apart from these measures, try to adopt certain preventive measures as well. For instance, try to avoid strong, pungent and sour foods when suffering from Hyperacidity and Heartburn. Garlic, onion, radish, citrus fruits and spicy foods are some such foods.

Plus, restrict the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Hot beverages like tea and coffee also tend to worsen these complaints. Cigarette smoking should also be avoided as far as possible. Moreover, do not go to sleep immediately after having a meal. Faulty eating habits like having large meals in one go instead of having small meals at regular intervals should also be altered. Also, do not skip meals altogether.
where do u get all these information neetu r u an doctor r wht???? wht u do dialy???? u had so much of knowledge regarding health care and its remidies........
Thanks Neetu for providing this home remedy for one of the the most common ailments!
Heartburn Home Remedies
When the stomach contains more hydrochloric acid than normal the condition is called hyperacidity. This excessive secretion may lead to ulcer in the stomach. Heartburn is caused when the gastric acid refluxes back to esophagus. Hyperacidity promotes heartburn, ulcers and reflux.
There may be burning sensation or pain in the stomach after one to four hours of a meal. You may feel hungry frequently, usually after one or two hours of a meal. Heartburn may be experienced when you lie down. Belching, nausea, bitter taste in mouth, vomiting and loss of appetite are some other symptoms of hyperacidity. After a large meal, a constant pain may occur in the upper abdomen.

Hyperacidity and Heartburn Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
Hyper Secretion of Hydrochloric Acid and Reflux of Gastric Acid

Although hyper secretion of hydrochloric acid and reflux of gastric acid are the primary reasons for hyperacidity and heartburn respectively, following are some other causes of hyperacidity and heartburn. Not eating on time, Eating fried and spicy food regularly, Stress, anxiety and Insomnia, Obesity, Pregnancy, Excessive smoking, Drinking excessive alcohol, Wearing tight clothes.
Hyperacidity and Heartburn Causes

There are various factors that could contribute to the occurrence of heartburn and hyperacidity but in most cases heartburn and hyperacidity symptoms are caused by unhealthy eating habits and also by certain specific foods. Your diet is therefore the single most important influencing factor on both heartburn causes and cures. Lifestyle and eating habits also have a significant impact as eating heavy meals or consuming meals soon before going to bed can cause severe heartburn as your digestive system is subjected to undue stress and does not have adequate time to digest foods. The reclined position when sleeping also allows for an easier flow of fluids back up, which is why it is best to eat a few hours before bed time. A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to the problem of heartburn. Certain medications may also aggravate or even trigger the condition.

Hyperacidity and Heartburn home remedies and natural cures,
Remedies for Hyperacidity

If you feel acid problem in your stomach then chew some basil leaves. Slowly suck a small piece of jaggery. A glass of chilled milk is a quick remedy for hyperacidity and heartburn.
Remedy for Heartburn

Almonds are quite effective in treating heartburn; chew few almonds when you experience heartburn. Ginger root with honey taken after meal is effective for treating heartburn.
Diet for Hyperacidity Problem

Fruits like apple, watermelon and banana are recommended for people with hyperacidity problem. Avoid fried food, pickle, hot and spicy food. Take your meals regularly on time, don’t skip them. Drink plenty of water. Avoid garlic, onion, pepper, radish and cabbage. Avoid unripe fruits. Do not haste while eating, always chew your food properly. Include plenty of green and leafy vegetables in your diet.

Heartburn treatment to relieve heartburn pain naturally in pregnant women, children, or any individual for that matter should focus on diet. Foods that are known to trigger heartburn include fatty foods like reed meats, junk foods and other fried or oily foods. Excessively spicy foods and any foods with vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard or black pepper should also be avoided. Chocolates are also known to trigger or aggravate symptoms of heartburn and hyperacidity. Some of the biggest causes of heartburn include carbonated and caffeinated drinks, so make sure you avoid consuming any such drinks. Alcohol is another important cause of heartburn. Smoking is the worst thing you can do if you suffer from heartburn as it not only causes aggravation of the symptoms temporarily but it also causes permanent damage to the esophageal sphincter, which is the muscle band that acts as a one way valve preventing the regurgitation of stomach juices. Smoking causes a hardening and deterioration of this muscle.

Other Suggestions for Hyperacidity and Heartburn

To prevent acid reflux, maintain proper posture after your meal. Never go to bed or lie down immediately after a meal.
regular Use of Triphala Churna can cure all this.
I have seen people drinking pepsi or lemonade to get rid of acidity.Do that really work out? :)
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