Mouth Ulcer And Home Remedies For Quick Cure

Mouth ulcer are the small painful white spots on the inside of the mouth which are caused mainly due to lack of Vitamin B2. The other reasons of mouth ulcer are improper digestive system, increase in body heat, stress and lack of oral hygiene. They can be painful enough to hurt you while eating and talking. Here are some easy home remedies for mouth ulcer -

1.Gargle the mouth with coconut milk thrice a day.

2.Boil 2 cups of water and soak some fenugreek leaves into it. Remove the leaves after 10 minutes. Gargle the mouth with this solution after every meal.

3.Chew 5-6 basil leaves and make sure that it touches the ulcer. Drink water after chewing on it for sometime.

4.Eat loads of raw tomatoes or gargle your mouth with tomato juice.

5.Apply toothpaste on the ulcer several times a day for quick cure.

6.Crush some gooseberry (amla) and apply the paste on the ulcer. Do this thrice a day and leave it overnight on the ulcer.

7.Apply peppermint juice to the ulcer for quick relief from pain and irritation.

8.Grind the skin of lemon and apply it on the ulcer.

9.Chew on a guava leaves thrice a day. This will get you relief within few days.

10.Eat ripe banana with honey. If you are prone to having ulcers, this is the best cure.

11.Eat a piece of turmeric everyday in the morning for quick relief from ulcer.

These home remedies from mouth ulcer cure the it without side effects and also prevent the tendency to relapse. Home remedies for mouth ulcer are better treatment than to take capsules as they are only a temporary cure and home remedies provide permanent relief.
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I think mouth ulcers are also caused due to body's over heat...

Drinking buttermilk may also workout.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Common Causes of Mouth ulcers


Nutritional deficiencies such as iron, vitamins, especially B12 and C

Poor dental hygiene

Food allergies


Infections particularly herpes simplex

Biting the cheek

Hormonal imbalance

Bowel disease

Skin disease

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Tip 1:

Grate some fresh coconut
. Extract the milk and gargle with this 3-4 times a day.

Tip 2:

Keep 1 glass of chilled water and 1 glass of hot water ready at hand. Gargle alternately with hot and cold water.

Tip 3:

Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1 cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime. Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day.

Tip 4:

Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water. Remove when slightly warm gargle. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Tip 5:

Chew on 5-6 tulsi (holy basil leaves) and sip some water. Repeat 5-6 times a day.

Tip 6:

Eating raw tomatoes helps rid mouth ulcers. Can also gargle with tomato juice 3-4 times a day.

Tip 7:

Mix 7 parts of sugar candy (mishri) with 1 part of camphor. Apply on the blister.

Tip 8:

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 tsp glycerine and apply.
Mouth ulcers are caused by a virus that, once a child or an adult if infected, lives indefinitely in the cells of his or her mouth. Mouth ulcers occur more frequently during menstrual periods in women. Food sensitiveness to walnuts, citrus fruits, chocolate and shellfish have been linked to the outbreak of mouth ulcers. Mouth injuries, such as pricks or punctures can lay the groundwork for mouth ulcer development. Poor dental hygiene may also cause of mouth ulcers.
Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcer

Take warm water in a glass and add a pinch of common salt then gargle it daily.

Gargling with sesame oil will permanently cure for mouth ulcers.

Take ten guava leaves, wash it and pour two glasses of water, make it to boil. The decoction which formed should become only one glass, gargle the decoction for permanent relief from mouth ulcers.

Coconut milk extracted by grinding grated coconut and then squeeze it, then gargle with that milk. The milk acts as a soothing agent and it helps healing mouth ulcers quickly.

A good intake of sweet lime juice. Among various fruits, figs are credited with the power to heal mouth ulcers.

Chew some sesame seeds to stop the acid.

Placing some alum twice in a day on the mouth ulcers gives substantial relief. Alum relieves from the pain to a great extent and heals quickly.

Apply raw onions on the mouth ulcers and then rinsing mouth with plum juice brings a great relief from mouth ulcers.

Chew fresh leaves of cotton tree and leaves of papaya tree are very beneficial in curing mouth ulcers.

If you are suffering with Mouth Ulcers, do not worry. The above wonderful home remedies
will cure you completely
Quiet a big list of remedies for quick cure of one of the irritating problem.
Neetu thanks for so many quick remedies for mouth ulcers!! It is really a persistent problem for many!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks for the tips which are most important and please update with new once in this category if they are common problems.
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Thanks for the tips which are most important and please update with new once in this category if they are common problems.[/quote]

definitely rajani as soon i find any.........
we should maintain cleannes in our mouth we used to interact with all the people by our mouth only na.........

Eat plenty of salad with raw onions. Onions contain sulfur and have healing properties.
Diet should include yogurt and other soured products, such as cottage cheese, and buttermilk.

Prepare a solution by adding 2 oz hydrogen peroxide, 2 oz water, and 1 tsp each of salt and baking soda. Rinse the mouth with this solution. Do not swallow. This is very useful home remedy for mouth ulcers.

Rinse your mouth with milk of magnesia to coat sores.

Orange juice is helpful in preventing the canker sores of the mouth. Drink it up in 2 or 3 days it will go away. Lack of vitamin C causes them. You can also take Vitamin C pills if you don't want to drink all that orange juice.

Cover the ulcer with a wet tea bag; the tannin will help dry up the sore.

Mix Sodium bicarbonate powder with water. It is a very effective first aid remedy. This mixture can be used as a mouth rinse as well as swallowed to help make the body more alkaline.

Use a toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate instead of the standard toothpastes high in fluoride and other chemicals.

Antacids can soothe canker sores by reducing the acidity in your mouth that can irritate them.

Combine equal parts of the liquid form of Kaopectate or Milk of Magnesia (both antacids) with Benylin or Benadryl (both mild anesthetics). Apply the mixture to the canker sore with a cotton swab. You'll cut down on painful acidity in your mouth and numb the sore too.

Try stress-relieving acupressure exercises. Avoid constant stress. Take time to exercise, sleep and relax.

Avoid eating fish or meat of any kind for two weeks. The consumption of animal protein increases the body's acidity, which slows healing.

Avoid chewing gum, lozenges, mouthwashes, tobacco, coffee, citrus fruits, and any other foods that you know trigger these sores.

Avoid hard toothbrush bristles or sharp-edged foods such as potato chips or dry bread crusts. Too much acid from fruits and vegetables, and spicy foods can also trigger mouth sores.

Keep the bowels regular to prevent toxic buildup. Walk regularly walking in fresh air to oxygenate the body and stimulate bowel movement.

To avoid getting canker sores, it is important to maintain a proper balance of minerals, acidity, and alkalinity in the body.

For mouth ulcer treatment do not use the same toothbrush for longer than one month.

Application of peppermint oil helps, as it is an anesthetic agent.

For mouth ulcer treatment mix coconut milk with honey and massage the gums 3 times a day.

Take 1 tsp finely powdered Indian Gooseberry root bark, mix with honey. Apply to affected areas frequently

Grate some fresh coconut. Extract the milk and gargle with this 3-4 times a day.
Keep 1 glass of chilled water and 1 glass of hot water ready at hand. Gargle alternately with hot and cold water.

Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1-cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime. Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day. This is also very useful home remedy for mouth ulcers.

Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water. Remove when slightly warm gargle. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Chew on 5-6 tulsi (holy basil leaves) and sip some water. Repeat 5-6 times a day.

Raw tomatoes help rid mouth ulcers. Gargle with tomato juice 3-4 times a day also helps.

Mix 7 parts of sugar candy (mishri) with 1 part of camphor. Apply on the blister.

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 teaspoon of glycerin and apply.

Avoid hot or spicy foods to minimize discomfort. Mild mouth washes such as salt water or over-the-counter mouthwashes may help.

For mouth ulcer treatment apply hydrogen peroxide (1 part hydrogen peroxide and one part water with a cotton swab) on the canker sore

Pouring salt directly on the ulcer can prove effective, however this can be extremely painful and can scar.

Rinse mouth and especially the affected area with sage tea 3 times a day. The improvement can be seen within 24 hours.

Gargle a mouthful of warm vinegar with half tablespoon of salt for about 30 secs, 3 times a day. Extremely painful but healing can be seen in about 2 days.

Make a paste of baking soda and water—apply directly to the sore
Good oral hygiene is the number one way to prevent mouth ulcers. You may also find that some foods will cause an outbreak. Tomatoes, for instance, are irritating to some people whereas others get mouth ulcers from hot or spicy foods. The general belief is that the acidity of the particular food disrupts the chemistry of the mouth. The solution is simple. Stop eating something that repeatedly causes painful mouth ulcers.

You may also want to try switching your brand of toothpaste if you begin to have frequent outbreaks of ulcers or begin taking Lysine-L tablets available at your health food store. They seem to have the effect of balancing the mouth’s chemistry. (Zinc may work in this regard as well.) And, as with any condition linked to stress, try to get enough sleep and a regular amount of exercise in conjunction with a balanced diet. Your whole body will thank you.
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