Food Allergy And Home Remedies For Quick Cure

ntake of certain food items may cause food allergy. It is the result of a reaction of the immune system of the body to certain protein present in the food. Immune system is a network of cells which protect the body from foreign substance. The immune system responds to the foreign substance by producing anti-bodies. This causes allergy symptoms.

The symptoms of food allergy may range from skin rashes to fever and sneezing. Generally food allergies erupt as skin rashes. It is not a serious illness but can be severe if right measures are not taken. Generally, human body reacts with the intake of below mentioned food items-

1.Egg - Egg allergy is very common among children. Egg allergy is caused due to three proteins present in egg white. Egg allergy generally results in red rashes all over the body. Cooking can destroy the allergen. Thus, it better to avoid half boiled egg for people who are prone to egg allergy.

2.Milk – Milk allergy once developed is very difficult to cure. Milk allergy generally results in vomiting, stomach cramps etc. It is caused due to two substance present in milk called casein and whey. Pasteurised milk does not have these substance or these substances are converted. Thus, lessening the changes of milk allergy eruption.

3.Fish - Fish generally are high in sulfur which erupts allergy in many people. Fish allergy generally reacts as allergy inside the mouth, like thickened tongue, itching around the mouth etc. River fish however, erupts allergy less than sea fish.

4.Peanut - Peanut allergy can be very dangerous and may even lead to anaphylaxis. Peanut allergy may lead to breathing problems and needs to be administered quickly. Thus, avoid eating raw peanuts. Roasting peanuts kills all the allergens present in it.

Other items which can cause allergy are - brinjal, prawn, meat and sugar.

Home remedies to cure Food Allergy

Several medicines are available which can cure allergy symptoms quickly. These medicines are very strong and have inverse effect on the kidney. People who are prone to allergy should avoid taking these medicines regularly. Here are few food allergy home remedies for permanent cure -

1.Mix carrot juice to cucumber or beet juice and drink it every morning. This prevents you from allergy to every food item.

2.Consuming two bananas everyday can control allergic eruptions.

3.Mix five drops of castor oil to a bowl of vegetable stalk to avoid allergic eruptions.

4.Drink water with one spoon of honey every morning to avoid all kinds of allergies.

5.Mix lime juice and honey to a glass of water and drink it every morning. This is an anti-allergic drink .

These home remedies to food allergy helps to cure
the allergic symptoms at the same time prevents allergic eruptions.
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I have seen many of my cousins allergitic to milk and it's products.

Thanks for sharing here. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Allergies Home Remedies

Certain nutrients have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of allergies. Often the intake of vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid brings great relief to the sufferer. This vitamin may be taken in a dose of 100 mg daily for a month. In such cases, liberal amounts of pantothenic acid helps even though the recovery takes several weeks. A dose of 400 mg of vitamin E taken daily for four to six weeks is also beneficial as this vitamin possesses effective anti-allergic properties.
Allergies treatment using Castor Oil

It is found that five drops of castor oil in half a cup of any fruit or vegetable juice, or plain water, and taken on an empty stomach in the morning, is beneficial for allergies of the intestinal tract, skin, and nasal passages.
Allergies treatment using Lime

Lime is considered an effective remedy for any kind of allergy. Half a lime may be squeezed in a glass of lukewarm water and sweetened with a teaspoon of honey. It can be taken once daily first thing in the morning for several months. This remedy not only flushes the system of toxins but also acts as an antitoxic and antiallergic agent. However, those who are allergic to citrus fruits should not take recourse to this remedy.
Allergies treatment using Bananas

One or two bananas a day are useful for those who are allergic to certain foods and who consequently suffer from skin rashes, digestive disorders, or asthma, The fruit does, however, cause allergic reactions in certain sensitive persons and they should avoid it.
Allergies treatment using Vegetable Juices

A quantity of 500 ml carrot juice or a combination of carrot juice with beet and cucumber juices, has been found beneficial in the treatment of allergies. In the case of mixed juices, 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of mixed juice. This should be taken once daily.
Thanks for giving us quick curing remedies for food allergies.
I had heard my relative allergic to Milk.I really wondered hearing it.

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One of the keys to preventing an allergic reaction is to completely avoid the food that causes your symptoms.

* Don't assume. Always read labels on manufactured foods to make sure they don't contain an ingredient you're allergic to. Even if you think you know what's in a food, check the label. Ingredients sometimes change. Food labels are required to clearly list whether they contain any common food allergens. Read food labels carefully to avoid these top eight sources of food allergens: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat.
* When in doubt, say no thanks. At restaurants and social gatherings, you're always taking a risk that you might eat a food you're allergic to. Many people don't understand the seriousness of an allergic food reaction and may not realize that a tiny amount of a food can cause a severe reaction in some people. If you have any suspicion at all that a food may contain something you're allergic to, steer clear.
* Involve caregivers. If your child has a food allergy, enlist the help of relatives, baby sitters, teachers and other caregivers. Make sure they understand how important it is for your child to avoid the allergy-causing food and that they know what to do in an emergency.


Milk allergy symptoms differ from person to person and occur within a few minutes to a few hours after ingesting milk.

Immediately after consuming milk, signs and symptoms of a milk allergy might include:

* Hives
* Wheezing
* Vomiting

Signs and symptoms that may take more time to develop include:

* Loose stools, which may contain blood
* Diarrhea
* Abdominal cramps
* Coughing or wheezing
* Runny nose
* Watery eyes
* Itchy skin rash, often around the mouth
* Colic, in babies

Milk allergy or milk intolerance?
It's important to differentiate a true milk allergy from milk protein intolerance or lactose intolerance. Unlike a milk allergy, intolerance doesn't involve the immune system. Milk intolerance causes different symptoms and requires different treatment than does a true milk allergy. Common signs and symptoms of milk protein or lactose intolerance include digestive problems, such as bloating, gas or diarrhea, after consuming milk or products containing milk.

Rarely, milk allergy can cause anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction that can narrow the airways and block breathing. If you or your child has a reaction to milk, tell your doctor about it no matter how mild the reaction was. Tests can help confirm a milk allergy, so you can take steps to avoid future and potentially worse reactions. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and requires treatment with an epinephrine (adrenaline) shot and a trip to the emergency room. Signs and symptoms start soon after consuming milk and can include:

* Constriction of airways, including a swollen throat that makes it difficult to breathe
* Facial flushing
* Itching
* Shock, with a severe drop in blood pressure

When to see doctor
See a doctor or allergist if you experience milk allergy symptoms shortly after consuming milk. If possible, see your doctor when the allergic reaction is occurring. This will help the doctor make a diagnosis. Seek emergency treatment if you develop any signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Treatments and drugs

The only way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid milk and milk proteins altogether. This can be difficult, as milk is a common ingredient in many foods.

Despite your best efforts, you or your child may still come into contact with milk. If this happens, medications, such as antihistamines, may reduce signs and symptoms of a mild milk allergic reaction. These drugs can be taken after exposure to milk to control an allergic reaction and help relieve discomfort. Talk with your doctor about which medications might work best for you.

If you or your child has a serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), you may need an emergency injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) and a trip to the emergency room. If you're at risk of having a severe reaction, you or your child may need to carry injectable epinephrine (such as an EpiPen) at all times. Have your doctor or pharmacist demonstrate how to use this device so that you're prepared for an emergency.

Allergy shots, also sometimes called immunotherapy, haven't been proven effective for treating food allergies, but research is ongoing.
people who suffer with food elergy should carry their own food while in the travaling to new places.......
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