G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
It is quite usual , eatable business men use different ways to lure the customers. But this is something which has gone too far.
This is probably a mark of how low the human depravity and decadence has fallen to! People visiting the bar may seek enjoyment and fun from it but it really shows the sickness of the human mind.
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
It's only mentally sick derive pleasure from such heinous activities.
People is different countries want something different everywhere. So hoteliers try to attract customers. There is some good ways then plattering models, but they thought that this would be better to have such kind of offering.
Want to make each day Accountable
This is Business strategy. A Business man always tries to boost his business in many alluring ways. This is one of them.
I also think their culture permits them to take such step in introducing this kind of concept for serving.
Want to make each day Accountable
Exactly. A practice is introduced because the respective governments permit such ways. You cannot imagine this to happen in India. Because the Government says a firm NO to such ways
Definition of culture and manners vary in different countries and also in different times. In India this kind of sale promotion is considered ridiculous and immoral. It has exceeded all limits of vulgarity. We think so because we are Indians, and I am proud to be an Indian.
Yes as the cultural aspects vary from place to place, their permissiveness in these aspects also vary. The things we see at such so called excessiveness may be a very common to other countries and places.