Vegetarian diet is healthier.  But one should be cautios enough to take proper veg. diet. Here is link:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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A good utility post Sir. Out of three categories of vegetarians mentioned in the link, I'm a Semi vegetarian. That is I avoid red meat. Eat chicken occasionally and eat maximum vegetables and fruits. And my digestive system is very sound. It's not all. This veg diet keeps me active all along the day.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Rakhi Yadav

Nice article... Personally I am pure vegetarian. But that also true that only that is not enough. Proper follow of diet is important. 


All vegetarians are not healthy and not free from Digestive problems. An ideal vegetarian diet that promotes your digestion process includes green vegetables, fruits and nuts. This diet makes yo feel filled up. Which means it prevents you from overeating.

I do not eat meat but eat fish, eggs and of course vegetables , pulses and fruits ...When you are a vegetarian you need to be careful so that you get enough protein in your diet, which is available in Dhal, pulses, paneer , tofu and dairy products etc....

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

What you are eating is ideal diet. But one should be cautious after 35 about dairy products and oil based diets as they are likely to increase the cholesterol levels. I avoided and prefer steam cooked foods.

rambabu wrote:

All vegetarians are not healthy and not free from Digestive problems. An ideal vegetarian diet that promotes your digestion process includes green vegetables, fruits and nuts. This diet makes yo feel filled up. Which means it prevents you from overeating.

That's for sure.. Being vegetarian doesn't mean that he or she is healthy. For healthy body one should follow proper diet. Yes Green Vegetables, fruits and nuts are idol for that purpose.


Yes. Add physical exercise to the list or yoga. You wiill never have indigestion problems.

I am vegetarian from child hood, but I think as most writers opined exercise and good habits lead to betterment of health. Personally, I do not like Yoga, I prefer jogging.

All the same. Any body movement leads to benefits to the body.

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