The Goa minister's wife claims that she is not eve teased as she wears sari. She blames western culture for rape. Her husband- Goa minsiter supports her. It is funny to get some 'wisdom' from Goa politicians every third day. Most of the rapes are in villages by high caste dominant persons victims being low caste women.  Also the men involved in high profile rape cases like one in Delhi, the culprits are small semi literatre persons like driver, cleaner, who are least affected by western culture. Rape is more part of Indian or Hindu culture rather than western. I hope west will save itself from injurious affect of the Indian or Hindu culture where even god king (Indra) rapes a sage's wife.

Incidentally, who will dare to eve tease a minister's wife. Also, only attractive and beautiful women are targeted by eve teasers. Here I remember an anecdote. Once, a man told his wife that the new entrant in the colony had teased all women except one. Then his wife exclaimed- How then it must be Mrs. Khanna, who was not teased.      

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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That's really unfortunate to see a woman talking like this. Even the women who don't wear western clothes are raped. It's sad to know that still we have such narrow minded people in our society.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

Earlier Khap panchayats also expressed similar outdated views and became butt of laughter. Such people are not fit to live in this era.

rambabu wrote:

Earlier Khap panchayats also expressed similar outdated views and became butt of laughter. Such people are not fit to live in this era.

That's ridiculous as noone has the right to comment such thing. This is such mentality of people which is required to be changed first.


That its ridiculous you and I know. Its not enough. All should be aware of reality.

rambabu wrote:

That its ridiculous you and I know. Its not enough. All should be aware of reality.


And that's the problem as we all think in different ways. And we can't change it.


Like minded people are always there. Join such groups and do your bit if you can.

It is really silly and disgusting to listen to such comments. Rape is nothing but an outcome of a man's inability to control his baser instincts, the action can only be equaled to an animal unable to process and control his desires. It has got nothing whatsoever to do with how a woman chooses to dress.

@Gulshan, I just wish you are more responsible while making such comments as Rape is more part of Indian or Hindu culture rather than western. I hope west will save itself from injurious affect of the Indian or Hindu culture where even god king (Indra) rapes a sage's wife.

I must bring to your notice that although rape has been mentioned in the mythology, it is not as if it approved and encouraged in Hindu religion. Since it is a part of human nature, it is of no surprise that it has mention in scriptures and other related books. I must also point out that same as Hindu religion, it has a prominent mention even in the Bible. Refer to

So there is no question of Christians being affected injuriously by Hindus in such matters. In fact it is the other way around. You probably do not know that flesh trade in Benaras, Vrindavan and several other similar places if sponsored largely by foreigners who are mostly Christians. So please keep religion out of such discussions. Politicians are fools so they can get away with such things, I don't think WE need to stoop to their level.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar, Sanjeev Gupta
Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:

It is really silly and disgusting to listen to such comments. Rape is nothing but an outcome of a man's inability to control his baser instincts, the action can only be equaled to an animal unable to process and control his desires. It has got nothing whatsoever to do with how a woman chooses to dress.

@Gulshan, I just wish you are more responsible while making such comments as Rape is more part of Indian or Hindu culture rather than western. I hope west will save itself from injurious affect of the Indian or Hindu culture where even god king (Indra) rapes a sage's wife.

I must bring to your notice that although rape has been mentioned in the mythology, it is not as if it approved and encouraged in Hindu religion. Since it is a part of human nature, it is of no surprise that it has mention in scriptures and other related books. I must also point out that same as Hindu religion, it has a prominent mention even in the Bible. Refer to

So there is no question of Christians being affected injuriously by Hindus in such matters. In fact it is the other way around. You probably do not know that flesh trade in Benaras, Vrindavan and several other similar places if sponsored largely by foreigners who are mostly Christians. So please keep religion out of such discussions. Politicians are fools so they can get away with such things, I don't think WE need to stoop to their level.


True Kalyani. We need not stoop down to lower levels because of the raw headed thoughts of politicians. I'm of the opinion that threads will not take us to any definitive conclusions.


Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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