It seems that religion is best way to work out your hidden desires. This helped a sickly minded person to pose as a baba (saint) and kiss many.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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In our society some people act as saint and cheating public people. There is no awareness about the fake people.

These fake saints are sexual maniacs and should be given severe punishment.  People in our country have gone mad with dirty superstitions that make them forget the sanctity of life.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

This has nothing to do with religion but illiteracy, we have done so little about educating people and that is the reason of all such false faith in such Babas, that doesn't even look like a baba.

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Sex crimes under the guise of religion are not restricted to India alone or to Hinduism only. They happen everywhere in the world and in all religions. There have been far more scandals in churches where the priests have sexually abused nuns in the convents and little boys and girls from church choirs around the world. Truth is , sex is the basic need of human race and depriving themselves from sex in the name of religion only brings out the frustration in such ugly forms. Very few people are truly and sincerely sanyasis who have attained victory over their basic instincts.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

And you will be surprised to know that all such so called famous babas esp Bengali tantriks are basically Muslims and not from Bengal but Bihar and other parts of country including WUP cheating innocents.   

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And you will be surprised to know that all such so called famous babas esp Bengali tantriks are basically Muslims and not from Bengal but Bihar and other parts of country including WUP cheating innocents.  


Exactly, but we never hear or see much hue and cry over THEIR crimes against women and children!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Religion  has become the most easy to use bait to trap and play with human emotions, dupe them, and even sexually exploit people. There are many such programs running on television channels which are accessible to the masses, but they still don't follow or learn anything from such shows and ultimately suffer in the hands of such fake babas irrespective of the religion.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

But it's always Hindus that become the target the safest target like punching bags.

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I was listening this news on FM and was surprised how people can believe such babas . Its because of we people these babas gain fame.

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