Simple inhaling and exhaling reduces your weight?

YES, says a new research. Read on..


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I notice that when you click on the link it takes you to that page instead of opening on another window,,,,Excellent article that gives you some very valuable tips ! Personally I find that making some changes in your life style is all that is required to help you lose weight. Drinking more water and generally moving sround all the time is the best thing to do and also eat more fruits and vegetables...deep breathing has many benefits for out system!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Just inhaling and exhaling sitting in a comfortable position, not necessarily Padmasan will calm up your mind. The breathing should be normal. If you can exhale taking more time than inhalation. it's still good.

Very useful tip, i feel that if we eat less food during our meal times and eat soup in between as a snack it helps to feel light and gradually helps us lose weight. 

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Less food with rich nutrients will also do the magic.

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