11 years ago
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
It is well known that there is a section of people particularly in Kashmir who are more loyal to Pakistan. But it is height of folly to express such treachery outside Kashmir viz. Meerut. Naturally, they are facing music.
It is well known that there is a section of people particularly in Kashmir who are more loyal to Pakistan. But it is height of folly to express such treachery outside Kashmir viz. Meerut. Naturally, they are facing music.
It is well known that there is a section of people particularly in Kashmir who are more loyal to Pakistan. But it is height of folly to express such treachery outside Kashmir viz. Meerut. Naturally, they are facing music.
Why blame Kashmiris for doing that in Meerut, it's common in Muslim areas of Meerut. Muslim easily outnumber Hindus in western UP as the region is officially declared Alpsankhyak Bahul area. Incidentally, UP has 22 districts officially declared districts where Muslims outnumber Hindus but they are still called and get benefits of minority. They can do what they like in the name of Islam but it's alright, as Indians we accept in the name of secularism, even Pro-Pakistani slogans are welcome.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
It is well known that there is a section of people particularly in Kashmir who are more loyal to Pakistan. But it is height of folly to express such treachery outside Kashmir viz. Meerut. Naturally, they are facing music.
Why blame Kashmiris for doing that in Meerut, it's common in Muslim areas of Meerut. Muslim easily outnumber Hindus in western UP as the region is officially declared Alpsankhyak Bahul area. Incidentally, UP has 22 districts officially declared districts where Muslims outnumber Hindus but they are still called and get benefits of minority. They can do what they like in the name of Islam but it's alright, as Indians we accept in the name of secularism, even Pro-Pakistani slogans are welcome.
The congress brand secularism is definitely pseudo secularism as alleged by BJP and some others. We need real secularism which means that religion is just a personal issue. Hindu communalism and Muslim communalism both are bad. It ois encouraging that the Kashmir students habe been charged with sedition.
It's not wrong at all to cheer for other teams irrespective of whether it is Pakistan or Australia. It's not at all necessary that an Indian has to support Indian cricket team. It's even not wrong to celebrate other's win in our own country. Shouting anti national slogans was the real crime over here.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
It's not wrong at all to cheer for other teams irrespective of whether it is Pakistan or Australia. It's not at all necessary that an Indian has to support Indian cricket team. It's even not wrong to celebrate other's win in our own country. Shouting anti national slogans was the real crime over here.
We have to see intentions. They would not celebrate victory of any team except Pakistan. They would be unhappy if India won and neutral if some other team won.
Some Pak universities are offering three students who celebrate, free scholarship to read there, it is simply rage ful .
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