If you believe in God you cannot disbelieve Satan. If good exists, so evil.

So there are worshipers of satan also. So they are erection stautue of Satan.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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We must consider the two sides of the coin. Yes, someone believes in god, also believe on satan too. Such practices continue in many parts of India.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
If you believe in God you cannot disbelieve Satan. If good exists, so evil.

So there are worshipers of satan also. So they are erection stautue of Satan.


We can expect statues of Ravan, Duryodhan, Shikhandi etc here in India too.
If you believe in God you cannot disbelieve Satan. If good exists, so evil.

So there are worshipers of satan also. So they are erection stautue of Satan.


We can expect statues of Ravan, Duryodhan, Shikhandi etc here in India too.

In fact, we have statues of Ravana, Meghnaad and Kumbakaran every year. We burn these. While we burn statues of eviul, we drwon those of virtue- gods.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If you believe in God you cannot disbelieve Satan. If good exists, so evil.

So there are worshipers of satan also. So they are erection stautue of Satan.


We can expect statues of Ravan, Duryodhan, Shikhandi etc here in India too.

Yes, we can find Statue of Ravan, Meghnath and Kumbhkarn very near to Rajasthan.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Hmm.. True. If someone is believing in God then he/she can't refuse the fact of satan either. Both are invisible but both can be felt as per situation. And as per imagination people made their statues too.

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Thank you said by: DIPU S KUMAR
If you believe in God you cannot disbelieve Satan. If good exists, so evil.

So there are worshipers of satan also. So they are erection stautue of Satan.


I see no problem. If atheist can have their own churches so is the right of satanic worshiper. After all we have so many Shani temples in our own country that is almost Satan according to some people' faith.

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It is a bit disturbing and discomforting because ultimately such cults end up massacring people as per Satan's wishes and building a temple for him will encourage evil tendencies even more! :sick:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Actually I believe in the existence of both God as well as Evil. I believe my God and in its power. After so many teachings, good people or the saints could not kill the devils which exists within the human heart. They are now moving towards the worst. They are erecting the statue of a Demon. The situation may be worst after that.
God, in his true essence is not a flesh and blood person. Similarly how can Satan be a flesh and blood person as depicted in the statue? Just as nobody has claimed to seen God in the age of today, nobody has claimed to seen Satan. I believe that Satan is a symbolic representation of anger, hatred, selfishness and all other negative human emotions just the way that the physical appearance of God is a representation of love, compassion, brotherly love etc. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Mala Jaiswar
God, in his true essence is not a flesh and blood person. Similarly how can Satan be a flesh and blood person as depicted in the statue? Just as nobody has claimed to seen God in the age of today, nobody has claimed to seen Satan. I believe that Satan is a symbolic representation of anger, hatred, selfishness and all other negative human emotions just the way that the physical appearance of God is a representation of love, compassion, brotherly love etc. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Modern age people do not see god, but there are many who see Satan in the form of ghost. I personally experience such ghost. If ghost exist, god too exists.
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