11 years ago
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
There is a Bedia community that allows the women to trade sex. The link says that this community is in Rajasthan. But we have a colony of this community at Agra near Taj Mahal. Many of Bedia community are working in Mumbai dance bars.
There is a Bedia community that allows the women to trade sex. The link says that this community is in Rajasthan. But we have a colony of this community at Agra near Taj Mahal. Many of Bedia community are working in Mumbai dance bars.
There is a Bedia community that allows the women to trade sex. The link says that this community is in Rajasthan. But we have a colony of this community at Agra near Taj Mahal. Many of Bedia community are working in Mumbai dance bars.
I know this tribe originates fro Dhoulpur area of Raj which is closed to Agra. But this tribe is not limited to Agra but scattered all over the places. People who know about this tribe go to visit areas of this tribe as they are welcome there and stay in their homes.
There is a Bedia community that allows the women to trade sex. The link says that this community is in Rajasthan. But we have a colony of this community at Agra near Taj Mahal. Many of Bedia community are working in Mumbai dance bars.May be financial constraints is stretching them to involve in this profession,
There is a Bedia community that allows the women to trade sex. The link says that this community is in Rajasthan. But we have a colony of this community at Agra near Taj Mahal. Many of Bedia community are working in Mumbai dance bars.May be financial constraints is stretching them to involve in this profession,
A member of the Bedia tribe, who was herself a prostitute, says lack of education, extreme poverty and unemployment has forced her people into the flesh trade. The lure of easy money prevents them from living a normal life.
Here is the link for more
Most of them think it is easier to earn money, than to engage in jobs and read. Mind set needs to be changed, they have to come out from middle age mindset, life is beautiful much beyond this.A member of the Bedia tribe, who was herself a prostitute, says lack of education, extreme poverty and unemployment has forced her people into the flesh trade. The lure of easy money prevents them from living a normal life.
Here is the link for more
But many of the other members claim that prostitution is a tradition in their community and its lucrative too.
Most of them think it is easier to earn money, than to engage in jobs and read. Mind set needs to be changed, they have to come out from middle age mindset, life is beautiful much beyond this.A member of the Bedia tribe, who was herself a prostitute, says lack of education, extreme poverty and unemployment has forced her people into the flesh trade. The lure of easy money prevents them from living a normal life.
Here is the link for more
But many of the other members claim that prostitution is a tradition in their community and its lucrative too.
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