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It's the time when we begin to learn ourselves and try something to do worth. In long terms it's beneficial.

Meera sandhu
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It's only at this time you think, 'High time to pool up all my resources and put my best.' Example : A cornered cat fights like a lion.
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This I agree wholeheartedly , we work and do our best when we are under stress and are cornered with no options left ! I know this for a fact ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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This I agree wholeheartedly , we work and do our best when we are under stress and are cornered with no options left ! I know this for a fact ...

Crisis brings out the best in any human. He gives his last drop of blood to float alive
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That's so true, like they say when some one feels looked down, he tries his best to come out of that situation with all his might to prove his point.

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Yes, fact is that you know your strength only when someone challenges you.

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And you always try to prove your point with extra ability. That is proven fact.

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Everybody thinks that they can do everything.But some cases we fail to do it.when someone is badly hurt by others then they can feel that what they have done and then they decided to do the right thing and feel themselves the strong.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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This I agree wholeheartedly , we work and do our best when we are under stress and are cornered with no options left ! I know this for a fact ...

Crisis brings out the best in any human. He gives his last drop of blood to float alive

Thats when we realise that we are capable of much more and can do things that we never dreamt of doing earlier. I have gone through so many such situations but always managed to come out stronger, and this is true of almost all human beings...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

When we realize our power and strength.
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