The best relief from stress is well within you, but you never looked at it, because you don’t want to present yourself as “Cry Baby” to the world.
Relieve your stress by crying

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yes, tear is the most precious thing to get ourselves out of tensions and pressure. yet, i don't know why people are fearing tensed seeing someone in tears.
actually we should feel happy when a person is relieving his pressure through tears

Meera sandhu
We do not live naturally. We are human but pose as if we have no human weakness. Crying is considered a weakness especially for men. Also crying is just one way of relieving tension. There may be other way also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Tears show incapability and weakness of mind. Hence people try not to reveal them unless it is unbearable situation.
Tears show incapability and weakness of mind. Hence people try not to reveal them unless it is unbearable situation.

Tears need not be always a sign of incapability. Tears also mean ecstasy also
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