Earth may be hit by massive solar eruptions. Here is graphic presentation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Will it happen? :whistle:
Will predictions about 2012 come true?

Meera sandhu
NASA has previously predicted this incident to take place in 2013. Now they have changed the time of incidence and put the deadline December 2012, the time when comet will pass nearby the earth. Two hazardous incidents would take place one after the other in the same month of this year.
Will it happen? :whistle:
Will predictions about 2012 come true?

There is difference between astrological and astronomical predictions. The prediction is based on observations. However, the universe is too large and time span also too large. Even a very very small error can cause discrepancy of million years.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hope nothing goes wrong..and nothing to worry about.
We all should pray god for our safety...
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