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That very good sentences you use here its indicate about fact of life.Its meaning is remember your past,work hard in present and get ready for future .Take all step carefully otherwise life become dull and there is no use of life.
This is very true.We should plan our future in present with the experience of past.Otherwiswe it will be tissue paper.

:laugh: Whoever though this one up is really a genius!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Its so true what a waste life would be if we do not learn from our past and present mistakes, truly comparable to a tissue paper! :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Its really true. We need to plan our future and work hard in a smart way. Otherwise life will be like tissue paper.

This is really wonderful and even a fact. We should even keep these lines in our mind and work out on our life and career.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If everyone think for the past then how you will improve.forget your past but take a deep lesson from the mistake that you do in past and try to plan for future then you life is happy otherwise you stolen in you past.
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